Chapter 6- Tears

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English is not my first language so if you find mistakes I will love it if you made me know.

Literally: This WORD in X paragraph is wrong, or is not used this way. Because if you are going to leave "there are grammatical mistakes" believe me, it doesn't help.

This fic is going to start way before the hobbit and the LotR but eventually will go there.

I don't own Lord of the rings.


Okura is crazy, believe she is nuts. And she curses a lot.


"Spanish" Okura is Mexican.

"English or Westron"

Thoughts are universal so it is doesn't have language.

So let's begging.

"I am sorry, that was wrong of me to say" Yeah I cursed very well in front of really old people...damn I can feel my mom's hit behind my head.

"We need to remove those"Elrond said in a calming voice...kind off.

"Are you insane!" Hell no that hurts like hell, I don't want to imagine with elve ears! "That hurts in human ears" believe me I kind of asked to stick them with nail polish so I won't lose them while camping so I know pretty much that to take them off we need to use small cutting pliers so and nail polish remover "If you try that without the proper tool you are going to take my ears off... believe me," I said covering my ears with my hands.

Everyone looks at me in horror.

"I... I am sorry I panicked there" I am pretty much keeping these earrings...the earrings are the last thing my family gifts me before yesterday, and now I have to look like those elves in the anime all of them with their ears pierced just I did it with human ears.

"Dear, are you sure they are not hurting you at this moment?" Celebrian asked calmly... the males are kind of frozen... maybe a shouldn't say that my ears would fall off?

"No they are perfectly fine, I pierced my ears a long time ago, you can touch they are perfectly fine" Couple of years so no problem all healed there. "you can touch if you want, they are totally fine..." ugh What Have I done, they have red faces now!

"Dear that is kind of inappropriate, elven ears are really sensitive to pain and touch," Celebrian said in a calming voice..more for the men here.

"How so? they are like a weak spot or something?" I said really curious, these ear stuff are theories but maybe they are true here! I want to know more!

Erestor cleans his throat "We will love to instruct you in the way of a proper elleth but later now we have some other premises" He said then turned to Elrond.

"Well for your story Lady Okura I want you to know, you are welcome here in Imladris to stay as a family member, what you did for our children no mortal or elve can't have done so naturally as you did" I blush at that.

"Don't think too much, I didn't think too much at that moment either, and I appreciate it because I don't really know what to do with myself from now on" I said the last part little broken, thinking in my family.

This is no place to break down, deep breath, and continue.

"I think we can't keep my boys waiting too much" Celebrian mentioned taking her husband's hand.

"I agree my dear, well let's end this meeting here Glorfindel can you accompany Okura with my children," Said Elrond rising from his seat helping his wife up as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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