Chapter3 Oh my god I meet an Ellon!

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Chapter 3 - Oh my god I meet an Ellon! Oh they are more!

English is not my first language so if you find mistakes I will love if you made me know.

This fic it is going to start way before the hobbit and the LotR but eventually will go there.

I don't own Lord of the rings.


Okura is crazy, believe she is nuts. And she curses a lot.


-Spanish- Okura is Mexican.

"English or Westron"

Thoughts are universals so it is don't have language.

So let's begging.


I swear in name of my love for fantasy that I am not telling a shit from Tolkien's books.

I keep walking and running in intervals carrying the boys. After a question I decide to use the river as a pat. "Hey cuties, you know if the night is cold in these days?"

"No is still warm" Elladan answered me.

"Why are you enter the river?!" Elrohir asked me.

"Well let me tell you little not-smurf" I start while I took the river as a pat " When you are running from something or someone if you walk by a river you didn't let a track and if they are using animals for tracking they can't get your smell"

The twins are still a little fright but that is reasonable they are just little cute babies that need to be cuddled. So in the time we chit-chat about a lot of things, I made them talk to their heart content... I should have thought that better, at least they are not trembling in my arms. They are such a brave kids.

"So tell me, both of you, why he is blue?" i am so curios about that.

"Well..." started Elrohir

"You see..." continued Elladan

"Aw C'mon I am not going to get mad! It was before I meet both of you!" because I know that kind of answer they were doing mischief!

"You are an adult" answered me the smurf.

"So, you were going to make some mischief, didn't you?" I start....I want to know!

"Of course not! We only want to see if Erestor would like being blue" Elladan answer fast.

"Ow little one, and tell me he knows about your plan?" I ask with laugh in my voice.

"Obviously not, if he knows...." Elrohir tremble a little "He will punish us" said dramatically the little smurf.

"Yes he will give us a lot of extra classes! he know we hate classes!" Elladan ended his brother phrase.

"Well we really turn him blue" Elrohir tall me softly

"half of his body" continued Elladan

"All his right side!" Both said unison with a big smile.

I laugh, I laugh so hard! Just imaging, Erestor half blue!

"And you are blue...why?" I continued they are such a cute little muffins.

"That is why he is half blue, the pail was to heavy while we were paint him from the second floor" started Elladan " then the pail turn to me and I get painted" ended Elrohir.

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