Chapter 4 Rivendell

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I am so glad that Glorfindel is taking the kids whit him, I would have fainted if I went with him.

I am in a horse whit one of the other two, one is called Namotur and the other whom I am in the horse whit is Yulion. The three Ellons are wearing light armor, something like leather, of a dark color, I can't said what color exactly. Namotour and Yulion, both Ellons are dark haired, and like 5 inches shorter than Glorfindel, well Namotour 2 inches extra short.

The three are gorgeous...I have no shame.

Let me tell you something, I am sacred of horse really bad, but I am so tired to be scared of such a good behave I am in a horse hugging an Ellon.

"Well they were really tired, they are in a horse and didn't wake up" I said they hear me because all chuckled at that.

"We are close?" I asked

"Yes you were pretty close, half a day by walking and a couple of hours in horse", Yulion answered me. Then I fell sleep in Yulion back. At some point I feel how he grasped my hands in from of his waist so I won't fell of the horse.


I was waked a little bit before we get to Rivendale. I see the most beautiful view of a fantastic place in all his glory water falls, and immense and long halls that can be see from here.

When we were at the entrance of the city we were received by a couple hugging each other whit another two ellons behind (one half blue) and when they saw Glorfindel they go running to him like the wind, he then dismounted the horse whit an incredible grace with out waking the twins, both parents get to him an take the twins in a lovely hug. I see everything over Yulion shoulder, then a hand came in front of my, it was Namotour that help me down. Then he pulled my to the couple.

"She is Lady Okura, we found her near here whit the twins" Glorfindel explained to the couple.

"Thank you child, We can not express how grateful are whit you my lady" the graceful black haired ellon said to my while hugging the elleth and children, that are already awake." I am Elrond and she is my wife Celebrian" He said whit out most grace an politely.

"Nice to meet you, I m Okura Wolfknight" I said as politely as I can.

"Thank you my dear, I don not know how to tank you enough" said to me one of the most beautiful woman I have ever see...elleth, dark blue ayes and long silver hair.

"Don't worry about it, what it is important is that this two adorable child are safe" I truly said from the heart, this two has the most cute puppy yes I have ever see and for some reason they are shooting at me!

"Ada! Nana! You should have see her!" Eladan started

"She entered the Orc's camp to rescued us!" Elrohir continued, and I am seeing all the elves here to lose the color of the face.

"And they didn't event know it!" Eladan said again, Oh boy they! started to talk by turns.

"Yeah! she got us out of the cage so fast and quietly they did not know we get out!" Elrohir

"Then she carry us all the way to a cliff" Elladan continued making some gestures whit his little hands in his parents arms.

"She run fast!" Elrohir had to add.

"Yeah when we get over the cliff she carry us again and run in the river, so they couldn't follow us Lady Okura told us that, she remained running and walking in the river until night then we get under the big tree!" Both said at unison.

Hahaha for some reason all the elves are watching me funny.

"The tree where we find you to the nearest cliff... that is an impressive distance" Glorfindel said turning to me.

"I believe my dear that she need some rest and tomorrow she can tell us what happened" Celebrian said, I love her so much because I believe I am falling sleep standing.

"You are right my love, We can let this conversation to the morning." Elrond agreed whit his wife.

"I will take her to a guest room"One of the two Ellons said, specifically the one not blue.

"Please Lindir" Elrond said and we parted our ways.


"My name is Lindir, my lady. I want to thank you fro taking the kids whit you" Lindir said in the moment we are separated of the other "May I help you whit your bag?" He said extending his hand.

"N-nice to meet you, I m Okura" I answer to his name, and then to his offer"Don't worry I am used to carry it" I think this one is lighter than the one of the school thought.

"I may insist" He said " You are a guest, let me help you" he said whit a charming smile.

"Ok if you insist" I said, taking my backpack of and give it to him.

"This is heavy my lady, By the way, what is the meaning of Ok?" He said whit little surprise of the weight of the bag.

We chat all the way to my room, he is kind of easy going. And both love music .

He open the door to me. It a big room, a bed, a desk, a little table in the to right whit 3 chairs and a little cough t the left and a big wardrobe.

"For the time being my lady this is going to be your room, If you need something do not hesitate to ask me" He said while showing me the room "this is the bathroom" He said showing me an annexed room to mine. "We have running water for our location", he said showing to me something like a little fountain in the wall, like the ones people use in the old times before plumbing.

"In the morning I will come search for you for the lunch rest well" He said and let my backpack in a chair. "Good night lady Okura" he said to me from the door.

"Good night Lindir" I said and he closed the door behind him.

Thank god they have running water here! I assume it is only cold water, cuz I am seeing a big cauldron in a said and a big... something like a bathtub. I just give my self a quick clean with water and cloth i have in my backpack and then to my pajamas and to bed. I am so lucky that the pajamas a take to the camp were the ones whit little draws of apples and strawberrys and not the ones whit the skulls.

I fell sleep super fast, I believe this was a really long day.

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