Chapter 36- The Best Moment

Comenzar desde el principio

"Yoongi! Didn't you say that you confessed to your girl! And she said yes to you! What did you even do?" I asked curiously diverting the topic it worked.

"You know, I let her see the real me!" he said dryly while shrugging.

"You showed up naked in front of her?!" Jimin asked while his jaw dropped to the floor I mean the car's floor.

"Damn! Hyung that's so cool!" Jungkook joined and both Jungkook and Jimin high fived to each other. And here, our yoongi is too lazy to get that misunderstanding clear. He let them think whatever they want. But I can't!

"Yoongi! Tell us!" I glared at the sleeping aurora in the back seat and urged him to spill the beans.

"OK, OK, I just confessed to her in my way and rapped "AGUST D" and she got impressed. I got to know that she liked me from the start and that's why she let me stay there, even if I am a terrible actor." yoongi concluded.

"Yes, you're a terrible actor hyung. I agree." both Jungkook and Jimin said again in unison and ended up giving high five to each other. Again yoongi didn't say anything being lazy and then I got a serious doubt to ask but he already went back to sleep. I retrieved myself from waking him up as I know it's a dangerous thing to do right now.

"Everything is fine but what is meant by D? In AGUST D?" I asked curiously and I saw Jimin and Jungkook sharing knowing glances at each other through rare view mirror and I know that they're going to say something terrible.

"DICK!" they said in unison with a smirk and making me to facepalm myself.

"It's DEATH!" I flinched when yoongi's deep voice hit my ears.

"Yoongi I told you to stop making me scared." I kept my hand on my heart trying to get normal.

"It's ain't my fault. You still didn't get used to me!" he shrugged casually.

"And also my girlfriend is attending the wedding today. You will see how beautiful and gorgeous she is!" yoongi said while a little smile played on his lips which I really don't believe. I mean I saw it in the rare view mirror and I know that they show everything opposite. I guess yoongi is with his usual poker face and as the mirror shows everything opposite I must've seen his imaginary smiling face that way. Right!?

"Phew, finally we're here!" Jungkook breathed out and I sighed after watching the venue. He later parked the car and Jimin immediately jumped out of it and entered the venue. He's scared that he might get transferred. I can see it.

"Are you alright, Princess?" Jungkook asked as he took my hand into his and planted a kiss on my palm while his eyes were fixed on me. I know why is he asking that?! I mean he went a little bit more rough yesterday's night!

"Oh! Go get a room! Eww. Don't make me cringe." yoongi said with his disgusted face and left the car after slamming the door harshly. We totally forgot about him.

"I didn't see him there!" I chuckled while looking at the disappearing figure of yoongi and as soon as i turned my head I met his lips. Cupping my cheek with his hand he deepened the kiss tilting his head and I smiled feeling him smiling against my lips.

"I'm sorry, if you're hurt!" he whispered against my lips softly and pecked my lips before pulling away.

"I love you! But now let's hurry up. Taehyung will kill us." I blurted it out and stepped out of the car hearing him chuckling.

Lifting my lengthy dress a little with my both hands on either sides I tried to walk but stumbled a little. Even before I could take a step I felt my feet off the ground making me to shriek in surprise as I found him lifting me in a bridal style. I immediately wrapped my hands around Jungkook's neck for support while he walked casually with me in his arms.

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