12 more secrets

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Once we all calmed down, Nana told Casey to head on home. I told her I would call her. As soon as she was out the door, I turned to Nana.

"Nana, he's a vampire. Can you please explain how this is possible?" Nana's face turned white as a sheet.

She sat down and motioned for me to sit by her. So I did.

She told me that she would start from the beginning.

"The first witch Anna had done many spells on many towns women years ago. She was upset after she turned her children into vampires. Because she learned they could not reproduce children. Their bloodline would end with them. She forced one of her sons to sleep with each of the girls that she cast spells on. To see if they could have a child. Once they couldn't, she had the woman killed. However, one woman was able to. One of her spells worked. this particular woman was one of our ancestors." She paused for a moment, wiping actear away.

"The son fell in love with the girl and hid her away so the mother wouldn't use her further. The baby was born in secret, and the son moved away with his family to England. The woman raised the child alone. Then, the spell was passed down through the generations of children. Each firstborn girl that's born into this family has this ability. However, very few actually ever sleep with a vampire, so most do not know about it. The main one that comes to mind is your mother."

My eyes were huge at this point. My head was in a million places. "So my father was a vampire?" I asked.

"Not just any. He's from the same family that started this whole curse. Your mother told me his name his name is Sage Walker."

I sat there in shock for several moments, trying to digest this information.

Nana said. "I had the same talk with your mother when she found out she was pregnant with you." She sighed, "my mother passed the story down to me because her father, my grandfather, was also a vampire."

"Did my mother tell my father?" I asked

"No, she chose to keep it secret. However, she trusted a friend who was a witch. Addison Layton was your mother's friend for a very long time. She didn't want vampires to have a way to reproduce. So she killed your mother. She thought she killed you as well. She thought that by killing your mother, she would end the curse. Once your mother was dead, she left town. I kept you hidden for a long time. Until I knew you were safe. I never told your father. I wouldn't know how to get ahold of him even if I wanted to."

I sat there shocked at all the information I had just heard. I just couldn't digest it all.

My mother was murdered. My father never knew about me. He didn't leave me. I thought my entire life that I was unwanted. Now I find out that it was a curse that kept him away. Also, I can have children with vampires, or is it just one? Lord, I'm not sure. I am going to be a teen mother. Could my day get any worse?

Now the hardest decision ever. Was I going to tell Hunter? I would have to tell him everything if I did. Including my age. He was going to hate me. That much I was sure of.

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