29 complications

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It's been a month since our gender reveal party. I have recently started experiencing a lot of swelling and a constant headache.

Hunter and I went to the doctor today, and it turns out I have what is called preeclampsia. The doctor has ordered me to stay on bed rest for a while or as much as possible. The doctor told me that if I don't rest as much as possible, I have a risk of losing my baby.

I was devastated. I couldn't imagine spending the next two months lying in a bed. I was used to being active. But I know that I have to do what is best for my baby. I will not let any harm come to her no matter what.

So we went home and set my bed in the living room.  there was no way I was going to stay upstairs away from everyone the whole time. I surrounded myself with pillows and blankets, and the guys gave me a bell that I could ring if I needed anything. I really thought I may get spoiled from this experience.

At first, I was bored and frustrated. I missed going out with Casey, and I missed dinners out with the family. But I slowly started to adjust. I began to play on my phone more, and I started to write a journal. I also started to spend more time with Hunter. He would turn on the TV, and we would sit and watch television throughout the day together. And sometimes we would just sit and talk.

One day, Casey came over to visit. She had stopped at our local bakery and picked us up fresh cookies. She brought my favorite horror movie. She also had popcorn. The two of us spent the whole day snuggled up in my bed together, eating the cookies and eating our popcorn, talking just like we did when we were younger.

As the weeks went by, I started to feel better. I was still on bed rest, but I was no longer bored all the time. I had found new ways to occupy my time, and everyone would take turns coming to visit me. I got so much one-on-one time with people. It really made me happy. I had a new strong connection with everyone.

After 3 weeks of being in bed, my doctor told me that I could finally get out of bed. I was so happy! I couldn't wait to go out to dinner with everyone. And that's exactly what we did that night

My baby was healthy now. I was also healthy now. And I was so excited to get through the next month and have her here with me.

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