The Renaissance

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(Haven's POV)

"So we're supposedly going to time travel?" Harmony asked, brushing aside a tree branch.

   We were making our short trek through the forest to the small clearing where the Doctor had parked the Tardis.

   I stepped over a large root. "I guess so," I replied. Sure, I'd time traveled once before, but that was nothing compared to what we were about to do now. The Renaissance? Holy crap.. My mind couldn't quite wrap around it. "You'd think nothing would surprise us by now."

   Harmony laughed. "Yeah, you'd think we'd believe anything." She looked up at the bright blue sky. "It must be March now, huh?" She mused.

   I could tell she must be trying to fixate her mind on normal things. Not just because of the aspect of time travel, but because of her sister. Of course I was extremely worried, but I could only imagine what Harmony must be feeling.

   I followed her gaze. "Yeah, must be."

   I noticed Alastiere kept glancing back at my friend worriedly. That poor, sweet kid—he was so loyal to her, and he hadn't even known her for very long.

   I nudged Harmony. "Someone's worried about you."

   She looked forward. As soon as their eyes locked, the redhead fell back so that he was instep with us, and reached for Harmony's left hand.

   I decided to hold her right one, fighting back tears as we followed the two Time Lords and the BangleFray in front of us.

   We were so wrapped up in our emotions, we hadn't even noticed the sounds of something moving in the underbrush behind us until we reached the clearing.

   "Ah, here we are," said the Doctor, approaching his blue box. He turned back to us. "Come on—" his eyebrows raised. "Oh, well that's interesting."

   The three of us and the Master all turned at the same time, and our eyes were met by a most peculiar scene. Just behind us was a small parade of animals—a deer, three squirrels, two chipmunks, and several birds. They must have followed us.

   "Well, sh**," said the Master plainly. "What do they want?"

   A couple of the rodents began to tentatively approach Harmony, tapping their dainty paws on her brown combat boots. She stared at them in utter bewilderment.

   My breath caught in my throat.

   One of the deer was approaching her as well when Alastiere said, "Miss Harmony, they're doing it again!"

   "Again?" The Doctor, Master, and I said in unison.

   "Alastiere, what do you mean 'again'?" The Doctor continued.

   "Well, the other day, this bird landed on her shoulder—wasn't scared or anything!" Alastiere went on as the deer nudged Harmony's hand with it's shiny, black nose.

   Harmony slowly ran her hand up to the top of the creature's head, petting it gently. "Hello.." she almost whispered.

   "And that cat back in the town square," the boy continued. "Remember? Saved her life!"

   "Fascinating!" The Doctor exclaimed quietly. "I don't think I've ever seen Earth animals act so strangely—"

   Peppercorn was at Harmony's side suddenly, letting out a low growl toward the animals, bringing us back to our senses.

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