Chapter 2

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Ash and the gang were heading to Hearthome City for Ash's gym battle against Fantina, having stopped in a field of flowers, unknown to them, a certain group was hiding behind a bush, watching them, their eyes on you.

The sound of a bush shaking caught your attention, you looked towards the noise, your ears twitching slightly "...huh?..." You shook your head and looked away, thinking it was just a Pokemon walking by, going back to watching Ash's and Brock's battle, cheering for the both of them.

After the battle you all eat lunch, after lunch the Pokemon were playing, while you were a few feet away from them, practicing Fire Punch until a net caught you and lifted you into the air "Wha? What's going on?!" You cried out, catching everyone's attention.

Three sets of laughter was heard as three figures leapt from a bush, they were a male, a female and a Meowth "*Team Rocket's motto cause I can't be stuffed typing it all out XD*"

"Team Rocket!" Ash yelled out angrily "let (Y/n) go!" Dawn yelled out, just as angry as Ash. You looked around for an idea to get out of the net then got an idea. You prepared a Fire Punch and punched the net watching as it caught a flame, turned to ashes and crumbled to the ground.

You landed on your feet and rushed infront of Team Rocket, growling at them as they jumped back in surprise, you used Hidden Power, sending them off.

"Team Rocket's blasting of again!" They cried out as the flew through the air. The Pokemon went over to you, praising you making you blush at the praise and posing proudly as Ash, Dawn and Brock laughed.

The Abandoned Shiny Audino (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Reader Insert) {On Hold}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt