Chapter 1

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When Dawn released you from your Pokeball you heard the boy with the cap say "I've never seen a Pokemon like this before!" and pulled out a Pokedex. He scanned you as you posed proudly "Pokemon data unknown" Dawn and the 2 boys looked at the Pokedex in shock.

You looked around for a stick when you found one you went to a patch of dirt and wrote 'I'm an Audino but I'm named (Y/n), I come from the Unova region!' and pointed at it and let the trainers and their Pokemon read it, after reading it the boy with a cap and the Pikachu went to your side.

"If you're from Unova, why are you here?" The boy asked softly, you made a face of anger 'I was here with my old trainer but she abandoned me after I lost a battle' you wrote in the dirt, looking at the ground. The 3 trainers eyes widened at the writing.

~Introduction time skip~

After introduction it was time for you all to go, Dawn, Ash and Brock returned their Pokemon(minus Pikachu cause obvi XD) to their Pokeballs, when Dawn went to return you to your Pokeball, you dodged the beams from the Pokeball "..why won't you return?" Dawn asked you.

Ash smiled, "I don't think she likes going in the Pokeball like Pikachu!" he said, Dawn looked at you "you don't?" She asked and you nodded.

Dawn smiled softly and put away your Pokeball as you hopped on Dawn's shoulder, holding yourself up with your paws making the Ash, Brock, Dawn and Pikachu laugh softly.

The Abandoned Shiny Audino (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Reader Insert) {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now