Request - Magis: Secret Treasure

552 13 3


Warnings: Nothing mature, just fluff


"Oh come on Magis! It can't be that bad!" You whined, looking up at your boyfriend.

For as long as you had been together, the first room on the left side of his hallway had always been off limits. When questioned, Magis hd always answered that it was storage for his various collections.

Sometimes, your mind wandered and you imagined the items he could have been "collecting." What if it was something freaky, like bodies? Or that freaky sex room from 50 Shades of Gray?

Magis sighed at your continued attempts to persuade him. He fiddled with his hands before eventually bring one finger to your lips to quiet your pleads.

"But what if you look at me... You know... Differently?"

"Don't be silly, love. Nothing that's in that room could possibly change the way I feel about you. Besides, you said it was just storage."

"It's uhm, yeah storage is one way to put it," he said as he turned to open the door.

Your jaw dropped.

Bookshelves stuffed to the brim with manga and anime lined the back wall of the room. To the right of you, there was a closet with what looked like modified Halloween costumes. The center of the room held a large, circular table with stacks of notebooks and baskets of dice. Tucked neatly away in the far left corner were folding chairs and colorful cushions to sit on.

Finally turning to gaze at the closest wall to the entrance, you felt your heart skip a beat. This man had every console from the N-Gage to the latest models of the PlayStation. Upon further inspection, the shelf just below the large entertainment stand seemed to bend with the hefty weight of that came with owning every installment and spin-off of both The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy.

"Woah," was all you could manage after five minutes of awed silence. You swallowed, "Some collection, Magis."

A nervous chuckle rumbled behind you as his large arms wrapped around you.

"Are you mad?" He asked, voice barely above a whisper.

"Mad? What are you talking about? What could I possibly have to be mad about? Am I upset that we haven't stayed up all night gaming together, when we totally could have? Yes. But I'm not mad at you," you turned to face him and draped your arms over his shoulders, "In fact, my darling, I think I just fell even further in love with you. I didn't even think it was possible."

"Do you want me to show you around?"

"Yes, please!"

He took your hand and explained each of the different items on the table and how he and his Dungeons and Dragons group had been playing their current campaign for years. He took you on a tour of his favorite manga and pointed out each of his favorite video games. He had taken good care of all of his possessions; you could hardly tell that they had ever even been touched.

"...And so basically, it's just one big bachelor party gone horribly, horribly wrong."

You giggled at Magis' explanation for one of his favorite games and let your eyes drift over the room.

"What about the closet, hun? I don't think I've ever seen you dress up for Halloween?"

His laughter roared through the house.

"They aren't Halloween costumes, or at least, not anymore. They're for cosplaying or dressing up as different characters. Sometimes we dress up for DnD."

"So... Halloween costumes?"

"Sorta, but you can wear these anytime of the year and you can go to conventions dressed up in them. It's super fun, I think you'd really enjoy it if you gave it a chance."

You smiled, "I'd love to give it a try and if I don't like it, I'll be your own personal hype-man," you laid your head on his shoulder, "Thank you, Magis. This is all so..."

"Nerdy? Dorky? Dweebish?"

"Well... Yes, but also, it's just really sweet. All of this imagination," you poked his head, "and you hadn't shared any of it with me. It just seems like a whole new you to explore."

"I love you, Y/N," he said, planting a kiss on your forehead.

"I love you, too."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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