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Third POV

You know, you've reaped what you have sown..
"I just don't understand though..." Bakugo said softly. "Understand what?" Kirishima asked. "Why don't I scare you off like everyone else?" "How do you actually like me?!" "Nobody does!"

You know, you're the reason you're alone

He shouted. Kirishima was taken aback. "B-because..I-I love you Baku-Bro!"
Kirishima instantly regretted saying this. Bakugo had almost cried in front of him when he said " I love you too Shitty-Hair." He smirked meanwhile Kirishima smiled so widely it looked like a cartoonist had drawn his smile. Kirishima hugged Bakugo,, before Bakugo kissed him.

You said, I was you're superhero


But sometimes superheroes

Cannot save everyone.

(HAHA nope it isn't over just yet! Hey I said it wouldn't end happy, it won't ok?)

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