Chapter 3 - Juliet Needs No Romeo

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With my parents gone and Nana planning for her special guests' arrival, breakfast only consisted of me, Luna, my siblings, and Cayden. If the phrase brothers from another mother were actual people, they'd be DJ and Cayden. Born in the same year just months apart, they've practically been inseparable. I suppose it's only natural that they be the best of friends since our parents are best friends with each other. Cayden basically was my third brother that I never asked for but certainly would take over DJ. Cayden was the perfect mix of his parents, he could handle any PR scandal DJ was involved in and was able to knock out any handsy creep that got too close to me. He and DJ sat side by side yawning as they discussed their late-night gaming session.

"Good morning everyone," Luna said as she entered the room already with her eyes firmly set on DJ. Per usual she arrived fashionably late and the only seat left available today was right next to DJ. Everyone knew about her crush so it was a joyful delight for us all – well, most of us. One by one we greeted Luna with a smile as she took her seat next to my brother.

"Good morning Luna. Nice haircut. Trying something different for the spring break?" Cayden said with a smile.

"Why thank you Cayden. At least someone of the male species at this table noticed my new hairstyle." She said as she reached past DJ for the jelly and Cayden bumped his arm but he refused to look up from his plate. "I thought it was time for a change. Change in hair, change of style, just change in general. I'm flexible like that."

"Personally I believe you looked great either way," he said with a smile that seemed genuine.

"Look who's chatty today! If I didn't know any better I'd say Cay's got a soft spot for you, Luna." Dawn said never looking from her phone as she took selfie after selfie just to delete them all. Under the table I heard a thud, a grimace came across Cayden's face, and DJ mumbled a few words under his breath.

"I'm sorry, are you saying something DJ. I could have sworn I heard you saying you agree with Cayden" I say.

He gives me an evil eye. "Although it's none of your business dear sister, I was just saying that he was a little late on the compliment. Didn't you change your hair a few days ago?"

"Yes. Yes, I did. I didn't think you noticed. How do you like it?" she said as her eyes beamed with glee. Maybe for once, my brother's total interest wasn't solely on himself.

"Yeah. It was giving me a black Dua Lipa feeling." Her smile slowly grew knowing that was a singer she currently had in her list of top five artists. "I don't like her by the way but you do you. I'm sure someone that's not me will appreciate the similarity. I prefer women who like to be individuals. Free minded business savvy babes. Flexible not in hair choices but in other things that are a bit more important to me. You know, people that aren't you."

"Seriously DJ," I say dropping my fork onto the plate. "If you weren't my brother I'd have you do hard jail time for disrespecting a lady like that. You give a bad name to princes and males all around the world."

"Your sister is right. Not everyone gets the honor of being called Prince and all the perks that come with it," Nana says from behind me entering the room with stealth and grace."Know this young Dalton, no one - including a prince - has the right to disrespect anyone, especially a lady as wonderful and beautiful as Luna. Lady Luna, take this as a lesson. Find a mate with an IQ higher than 70 so he'll know just how lucky he is to be with you, body odor that doesn't kill, and utterly and completely different from my ungrateful and undeserving of your time grandson." Nana says causing everyone except Luna and DJ to laugh.

"Now our guest will be arriving in a few minutes. I want all my grandchildren at the front of the palace to greet him. As for you Dalton, when you're done introducing yourself, you can make your way to the conference room. It seems you're entirely overdue for a remediation class on respect and decorum. You may be named after my pride and joy but you did not inherit a single shred of manners from him. I blame your mother's side of the family. I knew I should have limited your other grandparents' visits. They spoiled you all every time, let you run wild and promoted too much television and junk food that obviously rotten your brain Dalton. I expect more from you. Your sister may be taking the throne but you are just as important in representing this family. I've done my best to give you manner so the least I ask is for you to act like it when others are around."

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