Noblewoman Deepens her Friendship with the Young Lady

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When Margaret arrived at the entrance to the dungeon, the Prison Guard was not at his lookout point.

"Mr. Prison Guard? Mr. Prison Guard!"

No one called back.


She confirmed there were no other guards in the passageway leading to and from, and since Rachel was the only prisoner in the royal palace's dungeon, Prison Guard only worked here part time. It seems that he only comes down here on the occasional patrol.

"Is that so~?"

Giving the guard a polite thank you, Margaret headed into the prison.

"Hmm, there's no key~."

Even without the key Margaret was able to laugh about the good fortune of her success when the iron door still swung open after being pushed on.

"That blockhead Prison Guard is pretty clever! Letting the damn woman go unchecked means she doesn't get to harass him as much as she wants."

During that first visit the other day when she had eaten a swift beating, the Prison Guard had become upset and inadvertently turned his eyes away towards the meant he was unable to spread any rumors since he ended up not seeing anything.

"But well, I wonder how frequently Elliot or Sykes come by the prison. I'd hate for them to show up."

The young lady then cheerfully descended down into the dungeon.

Margaret was a woman with guts, and she would send back an appropriate response without fail.

Having stayed up late writing the night before resulting in her oversleeping once again, Rachel had herself a brunch of potato pottage with biscuits and had just finished her fruit cocktail.
At first she thought her visitorway to kill time coming down the steps was the Prison Guard, but it turned out to be Sand Bag who had visited just the other day. Having always wanted to see her again, Rachel was very happy about the visit.

"Well, welcome Miss Bag. I've been waiting for you to come see me!"
"Hah!? It's good to be welcomed.............but who's Bag?"

The red-headed young lady frowned, and suspicious, she checked behind her to see if there was anyone else there.
Seeing this person act and talk as if she were being mistaken for somebody else, Rachel funnily tilted her head to the side.

"Eh? You're Sand Bag."
"Haaah!? I am!? What kind of name is that!?"
"Eh? It's yours. When you're the owner of the number one punchable body in the world, when you are being widely talked about as, 'the most beautiful sandbag', then it fits that your name be Sand Bag right?"
"What is going on in that head of yours!? Have you been locked in a prison for so long that you can no longer see the line between reality and fantasy!? What the hell is 'the most beautiful sandbag' supposed to be!?"

The cute twintail young lady vehemently yelled, looking furious as she violently stuck her finger out at Rachel.

"Remember me properly! I am Margaret Poisson, the eldest daughter of the Poisson Barony! I am the one you continued to harass and who stole Elliott's love from you, the woman who shall be the next queen! How about it? All right? Do you understand your position? Do you regret how you addressed me? Then show me your tear-stained face as you whimper like a dog!"

So far at this point, if Margaret were to look at herself she'd see the tear-stained face that she wanted.

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