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"A little penguin told me someone has made a friend.." Dinah clicked her tongue, teasing Lauren.

Lauren simply frowned at Dinah's sheer stupidity. She then stifled a chuckle as she didn't know whether to inform the Polynesian of the proper phrase or not. She decided to just stay silent and ignore her, it would be better that way. The raven-haired woman's thoughts then slowly proceeded to drift off to Camila.. 

She admired the younger woman. She loved how precious her chestnut colored eyes were and how they lit up when she saw the woman walking down the hall. She would immediately call out Lauren's name and a rush of joy would overtake Lauren's body. She loved how Camila happily chirped words of excitement despite her relatively shy tone underlying in her voice. Lauren made an observation that the brunette was ever so slowly coming out of her shell and she was so proud of the Cuban.

She remembered their funniest moment together -- at their local park. Camila was expressing herself and talking about how much she adored the band One Direction and the Jauregui couldn't help but blush as she was captivated with the brunette's cuteness. It was all, "Harry" this, "Harry" that, then before the duo knew it, Camila tripped and fell into a pile of crisp leaves. That was the most satisfying noise that Lauren had ever heard, the sound of leaves crunching just right and the melodic sound of Camila faintly laughing in a pile of leaves. She then got pleasantly surprised as she was pulled out of her thoughts.

"Lauren! Lauren!" she heard a familiar voice say in excitement. She whipped her head around and immediately felt her breath hitch in her throat. She saw the brunette wear a tight, black turtleneck crop top and light blue jeans. It was accompanied by smoky eyeshadow and dark plum lipstick that matched her outfit perfectly. Lauren felt herself begin to blush at the sight of her.

"I, um, wanted to look good for y-" she then immediately cut herself off and blushed furiously. Lauren couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Was Camila about to say for you? 

"Anyways.. Dinah helped me do this makeup.. It looks really good, don't you think?" Camila grinned as her pink tongue poked through her teeth. A faint sparkle was in her chestnut eyes and Lauren could tell the brunette was feeling a bit more confident. Lauren swallowed hard and tried not to be intimidated. The Cabello looked really good today..

"Yeah.. You look great.." the black-haired woman smiled as she tried her best to not blush. It was now Camila's turn to blush. Her face was now covered in a sheet of red and the brunette giggled coyly.

"T-Thank you.." the brunette managed out as she felt heat in the back of her neck. She rubbed the back of her neck nervously. Her crush called her cute? Lauren Jauregui called her cute? The Lauren Jauregui? Was she dreaming?

"I'll see y-you around.." she breathed out with a shaky yet excited voice. She went to turn around and her light brown boot clicked against the ground. Before she could go, she got interrupted.

"Um, Camila.. Wait.. Maybe we- Maybe we could hang out at my house tonight?" she heard Lauren speak out with slight anxiety in her voice. Her eyes couldn't help but widen as she heard what she said. Her body filled with excitement and love and she couldn't help but freak out.

"Shit, really?"

Camila gasped as she immediately covered her mouth. She couldn't help but swear. But she only did it on special occasions, like her birthday or Christmas or Halloween when she watched scary horror movies and she had to swear to relieve herself of fear. This wasn't her birthday, Christmas or Halloween but was still a very special occasion for her.

Lauren stifled a laugh the best she could. Camila tilted her head in confusion as she stared at her, wondering why she was trying not to laugh. She felt frozen in fear -- Was Lauren going to make fun of her for the fact that she swore? Was she joking about the whole 'hanging out' situation? Was Camila being oblivious yet again? She then snapped out of her thoughts as Lauren interrupted them.

"Sorry, that was really cute.." the dark-haired woman chuckled gently.

Camila bit her bottom lip as she stared at her. For once in her life, she felt bold. She felt strong. She felt strong enough to say one sentence. She tapped her fingers against her pants in anxiousness then took a deep breath as the duo made eye contact.

"You're cute." Camila smiled back at her.

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