Chapter 27-Both trapped

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This story is coming to an end,there's probably about 2 chapters left after this one. But I'll make them long
(Thomas POV)

At first I back into the corner but his fist comes flying at me. I duck and shove him away. But he comes racing after me,I feel like I can't breathe but I suck it in and run through the house. I reach the door and try to open it but it doesn't work. I smash against it,time after time but it doesn't work. I scream out loud but it's too late.

He grabs me and smashes me against the wall. I scream out in pain.
"I'm not done with you yet Tommy," he smirks.
He lifts me up screaming,by the collar of my shirt and shoves me in a room. It's plain with nothing in it,only a tiny window I couldn't ever fit through,not even as a new born child. So I just sit there,wondering what will happen next. The door is locked so I have no escape. I can feel his words in my head 'I'm coming for you,I'm coming for the girl' I can't hurt Emma,nor alone let anyone else hurt her. But the lie was he used her,I thought she was dead,or that she had tried to hurt herself. This could be like the boy who cried wolf,someday she could and I couldn't believe it. But I need to protect her. Maybe it is better if I am gone. Emma was the girl I was definitely sure I truly loved but she didn't love me back. And she never will. But do you know how painful it is to love someone so so much and not have them give you love back? And now I'm trapped. Never to say goodbye to her,the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never explained. And even if I wanted to,now I'll never get a chance.

(Emma POV)

Toms been ignoring my texts and calls. I start to get worried. I don't know where his grandparents live,or any other way to get into contact with him. But I'll see him at school tomorrow. And probably scream at him for getting me worried. But he isn't there,waiting for me and Brenda at the usual stop. I start to panic. I tell Brenda I'll be at school soon and make a run for it. I really couldn't care less-What I care about is Tom. My best friend, I don't care how long I'll see him for. I love him. And when you love someone you don't leave them behind, no matter where they will be.

I check everywhere but there's no sign. I start to cry when my phone rings. I grab it from my pocket and see it's Tom. I pick up immediately.
"Tom!" I gasp.
"Emma?" His voice is cold and groggy.
"Where the hell are you?"
"I'm trapped. Josh's house..."
"Is he here?"
"No. I'm with his friend. Get me out of here... Please Emma please,"
"Okay. I'll be there soon. Hang in there Tom,"

I hang up and start to run. Until I find Josh's house,I remember it. I always hated it. His parents were never home, I wonder if they were sweet or kind, but these thoughts aren't needed in my brain right now.

Once I arrive I smash the door with my hand. Knocking fiercely.
The door opens too one of his friends,I've seen him before at a party but right now I don't care. I couldn't care less who it is.
"Where's Tom?" I demand.
"Huh?" Ugh. His voice is just awful.
I shove past him. Running around the house. Unaware of the trap I've fallen into "TOM! TOM CAN YOU HEAR ME?"
"EMMA!" His voice screams. I run until I find the door. He's trying to bang it down but it's locked. I then see him,Josh's friend near me. He grabs and opens the door with a key and throws me through into the ground, I find Thomas and scramble next to him huddling up close. He looks awfully weak but he hugs me back.
"So you're Emma," he smirks. I take tight hold of Thomas' hand "Ah. Josh has told me so much about you,but wait until he comes back,but you'll stay with me for the time being. And so will you boy. And don't bother trying to escape,I never leave this place,"
He walks out and locks the door behind him.

"Emma.. I'm.." Thomas says as a tear roles down his cheek.
"Tom,it's okay," I wipe it and see I'm crying myself "We'll escape soon. We'll make it back home,time for your flight. I promise,"
"You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. Now my phone is out of battery and yours is gone,"
"No I kind of accept it,in a way. That saving you was worth losing all the things I could've had. But that's okay,because without you those things wouldn't be possible,"

Who to choose {Dylan O'Brien and Thomas Sangster}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя