My mother peered around me and almost cried right there on my shoulder. Sophie was laying on James's neck, arms spread wide to cradle his fur. She was smiling like she always did when she slept; noticeably, when she had good dreams. 

The sight must have touched her, I thought. 

The forest we had been running in slowly spread out in density. The trees, which had previously been so close together that we had to weave around them, now gave enough space so we could continue a straight path for longer periods of time. 

And then the smell changed. 

All at once, it hit me like a meteor strike. My mother and James sensed it, too, but not as strong and forceful as I did. For me, it was like returning home. For them, however, it was just a new place to start over. They were fleeing; I was coming back.

We came up to a chain-linked fence, surrounded by wolves and Kane's army. They were stationed there after Oscar's trespassing over three months ago. 

James lagged slightly, slowing down his trot to a walking pace, stopping just outside the small cabin built to house the new recruits. 

I ordered everyone to stay back, not wanting to risk their lives. 

These guys were new, I said to myself as I approached. They don't know. 

A second later, my wolf purred as if she were in my ear. I can smell him. He's near, Leah!

I didn't need an explanation to know who she was referring to. It was obvious; the only person I could smell from this far away was Kane. My heart leaped from my chest. 

"Hi guys," I said meekly with a wave. Two guards stepped forward while at least a dozen stayed behind. I notice four in the windows of the cabin, staring. 

One of the two men that stepped in front of me held himself in higher regard than the others. He constantly had his hands folded behind his back, and his shoulders squared. 

He was an older gentleman, I would say he looked mid-forties, with a straight angled nose and clear-cut, thin lips. His cheeks were well defined by the lightly tanned skin and the black beard that graced his face. 

"What can I do for you?" he asked, not looking at me, but at the wolf and woman behind me. 

"I- erh, I need to get into Kane's- I mean! Alpha Kane's territory," I said stuttering. I don't know why I was stuttering so much. It might have been the rainy pine forest scent that kept getting closer. I ended my statement with a weird, dry chuckle; my face burning hotter than the sun. 

He raised his black, not very bushy eyebrows at me. "Right this way," he said, leading with his hand to the cabin. "You can fill out some paperwork, and I'll have the alpha review it. If he deems you worthy, you may come in."

My palms were sweating now. Not only would I have to be stuck in a room full of guards for probably hours while I signed papers, but I kept getting wafts of Kane's scent everywhere I turned. 

Did he smell me, too? Did he know I was here?

My brain was racing with a million and one questions when I saw my mother start following the guy into the cabin. James trailed behind her like a puppy. 

"Wait!" I called out, extending my hand and gripping my mom's wrist. A short, spark of pain jerked up my arm from the bite mark, but I held on tight despite it. "I need to speak with him," I told the man bluntly. 

"I can see that," he said, eyes narrowing. "Still, I need you to come inside for a brief inspection."

I groaned loudly because this guy wasn't understanding. I needed to see Kane, now! Couldn't he see how desperate I was?

It had been too long since I last gazed at his face, only seeing him smile in my dreams as I slept in that cell. And then there was my momentary glimpse into his head. I broke apart when I saw his pain. The sooner I found him, asked for his forgiveness, and moved on, the better we will both be in the long run. And that was assuming he would actually forgive me. 

"Sir," I said trying to calm my raging nerves. Any second now, I was about to run through the fence blocking my way and dash for the packhouse. "I really need to see him."

My mother gave me an apologetic look. She couldn't fully understand since she never had a mate of her own, but she did have my father. She recognized the longing in my voice and the fear etched on my face. 

The men in the cabin stood on edge. Then, like rooted tree trunks, the guards near the fence- every single one of them- straightened their slouched backs, pressed their lips into thin lines, and stood completely rigid. The only one who didn't move was the captain, but he was already like that. 

"Ah," the captain sounded, eyes glazed over, smiling. "It looks like you're in luck. He's here."

Far in the distance, just beyond my in-depth field of view, stood an angry, taut wolf the size of a car. His low growl could be heard from miles away, exactly where I stood.  

My eyes fixed on his golden ones as he took a hesitant step forward. The light from the sun bounced off of his dark chocolate fur, dancing around him like waves on a calm ocean. 

My mother gripped the hand which was holding her arm, pulling me to her side as she watched the beast move faster toward us. 

"Is that the alpha?" she whispered in my ear, fearful. 

I shook with anticipation.

"Yep," I said back, never taking my eyes off his. 

From where I was, it looked like he was a complete beast, giving every primal urge that he had full control over his body. And I know I used to joke about him being a beast before, but this was different. This time, he actually was. 

I gulped.

He was going to kill me. 

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