Chapter 8

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Once we got back to the O2L house, it was around 1:00 am. We were all tired so we decided to go to bed. It was a little weird sleeping in connor Franta's bed. Sadly, he thought I would mind him sleeping in the bed too. Of course I didn't mind at all. He is the sweetest person ever! What makes it even better is when he is with Troye. They are the cutest and they need to be a couple! But after thinking long and hard about what was going on at the moment and how bizarre it was, I finally fell asleep.

Hey guys! I know this is short but I am posting 2 chapters today. Also, please don't talk to your parents about this or like read it out loud to them or anything like that. Lol. It's going to get a little bit dirty later on. Oh and ;) if you understand that, you slay! Byeeee

Heating up Tronner        A Connor Franta & Troye Sivan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now