Chapter 18

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I've always been Pro-Choice and I knew for sure I wanted an abortion. I'm also a feminist so I know it's my choice but I want JC to be okay with it. I can't be a mom! I only have one bra how the hell am I supposed to be a mother?! I decided to text JC with the news. Here's the conversation:
Me- "hey. I have some news."
Him- "what's up?"
Me- "I'm pregnant"
Him- "holy fuck. I don't know what to say"
Me- "I want to get an abortion. But I want you to be okay with it since its your baby"
Him- "of course. Anything for you. It's your body and I want you to be happy. I can't be a father anyway. It's terrifying!"
Me- "thanks! I'm going to make the appointment now. But first, I'm gonna tell my parents"
Him- "wait, I have something to tell you too"
Me- "what?"
Him- "I uh, I love you. I know we never really made our relationship official but I love you. I guess I should ask you haha. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
Me- "omg yes!!!"
Him- "whew! I was worried you would say no!"
Me- " I love you too"
Him- "😊😘"

Heating up Tronner        A Connor Franta & Troye Sivan fan fictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें