Chapter 4

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When I woke up, I felt so guilty. Why? You ask. I have a boyfriend and just had a wet dream about my YouTube crush. He had just gotten me Taylor Swift's new album for my 22nd birthday and I loved him. But for some reason, I felt like I would be happier with Connor. I knew it would never happen though.
I decided to go for a walk. Just to get stuff off my mind. As I was walking, I realized there was a man behind me. slowly getting closer. He looked as if he was around 35 years old and very tall. As he got even closer, I walked a little faster. Soon enough, I just decided to run. I was so scared. I thought this man was going to kidnap me and rape me or something. I was terrified. I came across a house and decided to frantically knock on the door. I was banging on the door and the man was walking towards me. Suddenly, the door opened and standing there was JC Caylen. An o2l member. I was in shock. "Can I help you?" He asked. " yes. There is a man and he keeps walking closer to me!" I answered. " Hurry! Get inside!" He told me. I ran inside and he slammed the door shut. " are you alright? Did he hurt you?" He asked me. " yes and no. I managed to get away. " I was starting to tear up when he walked in the room. Connor Franta. I couldn't believe it. "What's going on?" Asked Connor. "This girl almost got kidnapped." JC told Connor. "What's your name?" JC asked me. "It's Andrea. Like Kian's ex. " I came down here to get an Arizona and I see a random girl who almost got kidnapped. Now I can mark it off my bucket list. " Connor says, giggling. " it definitely doesn't happen all the time" I replied. I couldn't stop smiling.

Heating up Tronner        A Connor Franta & Troye Sivan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now