"Shut the fuck up and do as I say or you won't be able to see the next hour." The mob threatened and pit his gun on his head. The owner looked so scared but he eventually gave in.

I was afraid too but I can't let this happen in front of my eyes. I don't want to be the one who will evince just sympathy after the incident. So I thought to gave samyak a SOS message, so he will know there is something wrong and might get some cops to rescue us. But my phone was in my back pocket and it was hard to get that without getting noticed by them. I was trying as subtly as possible.

"It's wrong whatever you guys are doing. It

"You think it's right. Whatever your reasons are, I don't care. But you can't take away an honest man's share." suddenly a voice spoke from the far end. It was a lady who looks like she is in her late 30s. She attracted the attention of both mobs.

An opportunity I have been looking for. When their back was against me, I grabbed my fon from the pocket and send a text to Sam.

"SOS. Call the cops" I typed and send. I know he will come with them and save everybody. Now all I need to do is distract them till the cops come.

"So you think you are going to fight us." One of them laughed evilly.

The lady stand up in her knees. "I am not certain of that but I will not going to just sit and see this misdeed happening." She said. I immediately had immense respect for her. We need more women like her who believes in their self and have ability to fight back.

I looked around my self and saw a bamboo stick under the shelf which contains grocery items. An idea popped in my had. I grabbed the stick and slide it to the different direction so it hit the another shelf. The mobs freaked out and they searched the whole shop to check if there is any one hiding or any kind of alarm but they found none.

I could feel my cellphone vibrating in my pocket that showed sammy received the message. But I couldn't reply him. I can't take the risk to get caught up.

"Look at yourself. You live each minute under the fear of getting caught. But look at this man, he is living his life without any fear because he knows he hadn't committed a sin to be afraid of." The lady again said.

That seems to put the mobs in more irritating state. Their body language became more stoic.

Sammy come fast with the cops.

" you think you are better than us and not afraid. Let me tell you what is real fear. " one who was keeping an eye on us said and matched to that woman and dragged her to a corner by her hairs. She cried in pain.

Shit. This is getting out of hands. What should I do.

." Hahaha. Show that bitch how you punish her. Make her enjoy it. "The 2nd mob said in venom.

I saw the one who dragged the woman, pushed her on the wall and tore her shirt. I went numb. I can't see this more.

Oh my God. This is it. He is trying to rape her and the people who are in the shops will let this happen but I will not. My blood boiled just by the scene. If I was destined to die today, nothing can stop it. But I will not let that happen just so I be safe, because this will make me die each day.

"That's it. I have enough. How can you call yourself a man when you do this."I stand up and said. That brings the attention to me." You guys are the biggest cowards who gm have failed at each and every field of there life. "

." Now. You also have the voice to speak. I advise you to shut up and kneel down to save your life. " one of them threatened.

"I will rather die than be afraid of you fuckers." I spat.

The Pain Behind The SmileWhere stories live. Discover now