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Kavya's POV

When I woke up the next morning I found my phone on my tummy and it's battery flashed "2%" in bold red.

Talking to him had apparently been so intoxicating that I wanted to keep reminiscing every word that was exchanged between us the previous day and to feel tickles inside my stomach for a reason yet unknown.

Plugging in the charger and stepping out of my bed I went on to have a look at today's to-do list in my diary.

The itinerary! I had completely forgotten about it. I deduced that it was today's primary goal.

Dad had toasted sandwiches for our breakfast and already served dog food to Sparkle.
If anything in my life makes me proud, it is to have a father like him. I never had to search for a best friend. He was always there.

As I parked my car in the basement of my work place, I received a text from Virat. Just a red heart emoji that beated occasionally.

I went to my desk and stuck a note of the day's targets onto the bureau and got started with the planning.

The research project to Coorg involved two basic dimensions - topography and astrometry with respect to the zone.
I decided to devote equal attention and time to both the aspects by working on the former during the day and the latter during the night so that I could wrap up work before the deadline and save some time for self-exploration.

After listing all the sites to visit and printing the catalogue of the same, I unlocked my phone to respond to that one beating heart.

The header showed online.

"Hey! ♡"

"Work day?"

"Yeah. You playing?"

"Na, we have a week long gap till the next match."

"That gives you leisure and a good me-time then."

"Lol, I've been having a great me-time all my life. Maybe I'll travel within Karnataka for a day or two for recreation. But I know I'll end up cancelling that and stay in hotel, hitting the gym."

"Well, I'll be in Karnataka by Tuesday. We may as well meet each other by coincidence or purpose."

"Wait, what? You're coming here?"


"Someone has become a great RCB fan overnight, huh?"

"You are gravely mistaken, sir. It's a professional trip, though I'm alone. But it's definitely not for watching you play! -_-"

"Did you just insult me politely?!"

"No, Virat. I complimented you rudely. XD"

"YOU ARE SO..!!!"

"I am so.. WHAT??"

"Am not saying that."

"I will call you and hear it soon. Not gonna leave you so easily. My senior wants me right now. Will deal with you later, cutiee!"

I went to Monica's cabin and we had a long discussion over the lodgings. It was finally settled that I was to live in a large estate with a beautiful cottage at its centre.

At the back of my mind, the very thought of asking Virat to join me there lingered but I dodged it off.

On returning home from work, I called him to procure the pending extension of "YOU ARE SO..." which he didn't quite clearly say.

"You are probably the only person who knows me this way!"

"Which way?"

"I mean we just met a handful days ago and I've been so different around you. We share, we understand and we fight too! I like this!"

And then he laughed. And I told him to shut up. But he still laughed like a kid. The beast who roared on top of the world last evening was a playful dolphin at heart today.

I gave in.

"Well, not that I want to ruin your solo adventure, but would you like to join me to Coorg?"

"I was about to request you for that!!
You took off my burden for real."

"So did we just mutually agree on a getaway?!"

"You'll be glad we did. Not bragging, but you're gonna have the best company, Kavs!"

"How self-centered is that! And please, it's Kavya!!"

"Okay, Kavs"


"Kavs loves to shut me up. Right, Kavs?"

"Oh my god, this brat! I'm hanging up the call if you repeat that."

"Hey, shhhh!"

I could literally here his breath in the absolute silence that followed. Neither too slow nor too fast. But it surely altered mine.

"Kavya. She is the best."

I liked how he could make me frown first and then easily change it into a smile.

A heart that didn't know attachment, a heart that never wanted to understand love was suddenly wishing to beat for someone.

I was learning magic from the most glorious enchanter to ever exist.


"Uh, yes. I'm there."

"So, I'll pick you at the Bangalore airport on Tuesday and we'll head to the district by road further. Done?"


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