Ch. 12

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I could understand why Jay and Presley lived in a gigantic house and had tons of pretty girls at their parties. Presley was unbelievably good looking and could sing, as well as play the drums for his semi-famous band. He was, like, too perfect. He had light brown hair and brilliant blue eyes, your regular heart throb. Dylan O’Brien times a million, basically.

Other than noticing how attractive everyone was in the room, I also noticed how unattractive everything smelled. Parties are permission to have strangers stink up your house with cigarettes and a keg, and probably marijuana. At least one person. Somewhere.

Jay and I had come down the staircase hand in hand and he hadn’t removed his since, leading me around, saying hello to a couple of friends.

“Oi!” one of them shouted, “Jay! C’mere!”

Jay looked to me for my approval and I nodded, not really caring much for the party and hoping the guy that had waved us over would provide some sort of entertainment. On the walk over to the guy  that had called at Jay, a number of girls had given me a death stare and I think one guy did, too.

“Hi,” the man that had called Jay over slurred, leering at me. “I’m Chris.”

“Good to know,” I responded. He stuck his hand out to shake my free one. I took his hand out of politeness, but, in hindsight, probably should not have because he yanked me into a bear-hug, crushing my lungs and simultaneously copping a feel. As soon as his hand made contact with my butt, I brought a knee up to his crotch as hard as I could.

As he knelt over in pain, Jay glowered at me, telling me, “Chill out, it’s just a party.” What. Hours ago he had been ridiculously insane over me just talking to Oliver. I yanked my hand away from his but didn’t storm off like I usually would have. Curiosity got the better of me and I stayed, observing how Jay changed around his friends. He had a cup in his hand, full of beer, and didn’t seem that affected by me taking my hand back. I edged away from the group, leaning against a wall and letting them socialize.

“Honey,” Chris whined, turning to me, “get back over here, you’re the reason we called Jay.”

I considered flipping him off. But what would that solve? Also, if I was in the mix, I could more directly observe how Jay changed in front of them. Jay’s hand snaked around my waist, fastening me to his hip. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but definitely not my favorite way to handled.

“Have you guys done it yet?” Chris asked, completely overstepping his boundaries.

Jay looked at me before he went ahead with a lie, “Of course! I can hardly keep her off of me, isn’t that right?” He turned his head to mine. I knew he was acting drunk for his friends and in all honesty, I found it funny that he had to put on his mask. Doesn’t have secrets my right foot. Maybe I should mess with him. I should.

I wrapped my arm around his waist, letting my hand drop to his butt and gave it a tight pinch. “Of course you’re right,” I said, grinning. “It awfully sad, though,” I said turning to the group. When all of their eyes were on me, I continued, “It’s not much fun when he’s lacking, if you guys catch my drift.” I pointed to his groin area with wide eyes. They burst out laughing, flinging their heads back in their guffaws.

Jay turned very serious and whispered in my ear, “Really? That’s not cool.”

I scoffed.

After the other boys had finished laughing at Jay’s inadequacies, they delved into some conversation about football and whose team was best and how the world cup was going to go. While they were caught up in their gambles, I was free to slip away from the group and explore on my own.

Surrounded by people I didn’t know was not my preferred environment, though, so I explored all the way out to the patio located off the kitchen. The kitchen itself was crawling with people who were either doing keggers or watching people do keggers so it was a wonder I got the patio nearly to myself. Nearly.

“Whose are you?” a rough voice asked, the only indication as to where he was on the porch the glow of his cigarette. I’m sure he didn’t literally mean that I belonged to anyone, but even so…

“I am my own,” I answered. “I’m here with Jay, though, if that’s what you were trying to ask.”

“Feisty,” he commented, blowing smoke out of his nose. Gross. “Why aren’t you inside, partying it up? Too scared? Shy?” he taunted.

Instead of letting him get to me, “I’m so glad someone understands.”

“Well,” he grumbled, “If you are shy, you better not let Jay see you with me; he’d turn absolutely green.”

“How do you mean?” I asked, raising my eyebrow and crossing my arms.

“Well,” he pondered, “The man’s got a jealous streak a mile wide. Pretty possessive.”

I nodded and noticed I was shaking. “I’m cold,” I stated, turning and going back inside, on the lookout for Jay and his lackeys.

A hand grasped my arm (rather tightly, if I’m honest; a bit too tight, if I’m even honest-er) as I was walking through the hallway and pulled me back to a body. I tried to remember every self-defense move I knew, racking my brain for anything that might help. I was instantly soothed when I heard Jay’s voice.

“Relax, it’s just me,” he snapped, leading me to an empty bedroom. He let go of my arm and sat on the bed with his head in his hands and let out a deep breath. It sounded like a sigh of disappointment. “Where did you go?” he questioned.

“Out to the patio,” I answered, rubbing the place he had grabbed me. That was going to bruise.

“With who? Who did you go with?” he snapped harshly, looking up.

“What do you mean? I went alone,” I explained, getting angry myself now.

“I mean,” he sneered, standing and walking over to me, “that you don’t smoke and you absolutely reek of nicotine.”

“It’s a new perfume,” I joked, “Do you like it?” I asked, twirling a strand of hair around my finger.

“This isn’t funny!” he yelled. I jumped back and he glared at me. “Was it a guy? Were you out there with a guy?”

“Yeah, I think so,” I answered, although I hadn’t asked what pronouns to use so I couldn’t be sure. “Why does it—”

“Did anything happen between you?” he interrogated, fury clear in his voice.

“Look,” I snapped, “if you don’t trust me, that’s fine, but don’t you dare think that I’m gonna sit here like a tool and let you scream at me.” Jay was overstepping. Big time.

I turned from him and, as I reached for the door, I felt hands on my back and then I felt the left side of my face hit the door. I shrieked, my hand flying to my face.

“Get up,” Jay ordered, pulling me by my arm from the place on the floor I had landed. “I’ll walk you home.”

It wasn’t an offer.

I got a lot of looks on the way out, what with my being escorted from the premise. “What was that about?” I asked when Jay didn’t look like steam was going to blow out of his ears anymore.

He sighed and stopped in front of me, which caused me to bump into his back. “It’s just,” he said, struggling to string a sentence together, “I really like you and I’ve been cheated on before, and…”

I tentatively laid a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “I’m not gonna cheat on you,” I promised. “This is my first ever relationship,” I laughed awkwardly, “why would I try to screw it up?”


Long time no see, right? ah hahaha... yeah, I'm literal human trash but thanks for being patient. my friend (hannah, i have no idea which account you primarily use, so sorry I can't give you a shout out to the three people readin this) is making me write so yeah, maybe this will be a regular thing now? maybe not. who knows.

anyway, it would be much appreciated if you'd vote, comment, fan, idk

stay alive!


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