Ch. 7

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My eyes were closed, but I was completely awake. I felt Jay planting kisses on my neck, soft and light whispering between each one, "Wake up," in his deep, sleepy voice. When he said that for the fifth time, I decided to open my eyes and smile, turning my head toward his. "Good morning," he said. The room was bright due to the lack of curtains, and I could fully appreciate the color of his eyes in the warm light of the room. They were bright green against his skin. His lashes were dark and long, framing them perfectly. We were just staring at each other.

"What are you thinking about?" I whispered to him.

His face broke into a smile. "I have to pee," he whispered back. I laughed out loud. Only Jay. "I'll be back," he promised. He climbed over me, walking out of the room. I rolled over, stretching my legs and pushing my arms out. I let out a big breath. I needed to get up and do things around the house but I also didn't want to get up. I pushed back the blankets and lied there for a second before pulling the blankets back over me.

Jay came back into the room, climbing over me once again, this time, kissing the tip of my nose. I smiled and kissed his chin before he had settled back into his spot on the bed. He draped his arm across my mid-drift again and I laid my hand on his now cold forearm.

"We should get up," I said. He groaned. "I don't want to get up, though."

His only answer was to pull me closer and nuzzle his head into my neck. I giggled like I never thought I would.

But, really, I never saw this in my future in a million years. A boy, a beautiful could-be-male-model, nonetheless, as a boyfriend, a nice house, money in the bank and no loans. Like a very modern fairytale. But, if I'm to compare my life with a fairytale, that means there will be a villain, rising action, a climax, falling action and an end. I didn't want to think of it that way. Without thinking, or really needing to, I lifted his chin out of my neck and kissed his mouth. It was warm and soft.

I heard the door opening.

"Vic?" came Jen's faint voice up the stairs. Jay tensed.

"Yeah?" I called back to her.

In my ear, Jay whispered, "Do you want me to go?"

I turned and whispered, "What? No, are you crazy?" He gave me a small smile.

"Where are you?" Jen called again.

"In the guest bedroom," I told her.


"Why not?"

"Um, okay. Well, I'm home. I brought food if you're interested," she called. I glanced at Jay. He shrugged.

"I'm good," I replied.

"Should we tell her?" Jay breathed in my ear.

"Do you want to?"

"A bit," he confided.

"Alright, then, let's go."


"That is so great! I'm so happy that you two are getting along!"

"Well, you see, we're more than just getting along," I explained. Jay hadn't come down with me, so it was up to me how I told Jen.

She raised her eyebrow, a dreamy look spreading across her face. The light-bulb lit up suddenly and she only mouthed, "Oh," before taking my arms and jumping up and down. She quit as quickly as she started, leaning in to me, looking into my eyes and whispering to me, "You're okay with the age gap?"

The thought hadn't crossed my mind before. I knew, or had assumed, that Jay was Jen's older brother, but I hadn't wondered how much older. "How much older is he?" I queried.

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