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Author-San has created " Class 79th's Killing Harmony~ "

Author-San has added 16 people

Author-San has changed 16 names

Author-San: Welcome to hell fuckers.

Author-San: Good luck.

Author-San has gone offline


Author-San has come online

Author-San: @ everyone  rise

Knowsswearwords and 15 others have come online

Secret Femboy (lol): What in the fuckkity fuck is this? And whomst've be @ Author-San

Femboy kink (pft) : Wh-who??

Superiority/Inferiority Complex: HAHAHAHA LMAOOO

Wears Reading Glasses (how?) : Uhm, these few usernames are concerning...

Actuallylikestakingcareofya'll: Could everyone please send a space? (Also, this is Kirumi)

Author-San: Why you no liek games? :(

ActuallyLikesSpaceCuzOfKaito: Why does an author type like that?

Author-San: Touché.

Author-San has changed Actuallylikestakingcareofya'll to Teen Mom but not really

Teen Mom but not really: So could everyone else please send a space? Even the ones who have already typed.


Wears Reading Glasses (how?):

Superiority/Inferiority Complex:

Secret Femboy (lol):

Femboy kink (pft):

Is allergic to avocados:

Kinda Sorta Believes in Atua:

Is an Asexual (Thiscouldbehardlol) :

Scared of Eggplants:


Has adopted Ouma as a sibling:


Can make flower crowns:



Kinda Sorta Believes in Atua: Some of these names are concerning.

Teen Mom but not really: I agree, Kaede.

Kinda Sorta Believes in Atua: I guess I rant too much huh?

Author-San has changed Kinda Sorta Believes in Atua to SHSL Penis but not really

SHSL Penis but not really: Look Kirumi! Matching names!

Teen Mom but not really: I guess I'll allow this if you don't mind.

SHSL Penis but not really: So, Saihara will you help us?

SHSL Penis but not really: Fine then. I'll have to drag you out kicking and screaming :)

Another Danganronpa Chatfic :DWhere stories live. Discover now