Then mark looked out the window and smile. He just realized that today was so bright. The sun shining brightly, it's dazzling. He feels happy and warm inside after read the text then the ominous feeling crept him and now he feels pathetic. How can a mere text can make him smile and happy? Suddenly he hates the sun that shining. He feels like the sun was mocking him. He took a deep breath, tried to shook the ominous feeling he felt and trying to take a quick nap.

That morning, Mark sent the girl a birthday wish.

"Hi Ahrin, happy birthday all the best."

The first text after months, he didn't reply her text.


4 years ago

"Mark, do you like Ahrin?"

"No, we are just friend, hyung."

"Alright then, you will stay and practice more, your debut date is closer. I need you to focus."

"I know. But it's her birthday, and she is near here now, can I just meet her a minutes then back to practice again"



"No, you can't. People's eyes are on you. Public already know you, you can't act harshly."

"I won't do anything stupid, hyung. I just want to meet her and congratulate her. That's it. You know Ahrin, she was a trainee as well. Fans also know her."

"And that's the reason why you can't meet her. Because she is no longer trainee and because people know her, you can't meet her outside freely like you used to. Especially when your debut is closer. I'm sorry, Mark. This is for your future" Mark's manager said that and left him alone in the trainee's cafeteria.

4 years ago, Mark realized that he was no longer see her as his friend. He realized it. That's why Mark tried to get approval to leave early to meet her on her birthday. He wants to confess. He wants to let her know how he feels.

She was his first female friend in Korea. The one that always there and cheered him over the last two years being together and trained together.

After Ahrin left SM Entertainment and quit being SM trainee, the sudden realization comes to him that he missed Ahrin's presence during lunch time, monthly evaluation, secret snacking or skipping class together.

Mark thought that his little crush will be ended, and he will be over it. Guess he was wrong and what make it harder is no matter Mark pushed her away, ditched her, ghosting her text and made her cry because Mark's frustration over school and Idols' thing. She never left him. She will always stick around him.

POV : Ahrin, The Girl

Ahrin knew its not easy being an Idol and also student at the same time, that's why she always try to be with Mark to cheer him when he was down. She knew mark is frustrated and and felt pressured from the company. She knew that he always pushed himself to be perfect. She was a trainee before, so she knew it well. She tried to brush away mark's sudden burst of anger over stress because she knew that her friend didn't mean to harm and hurt her.

It will be lying if she never felt hurt toward Mark, sometimes she cried, but they always made up again. She will give in and forgive him.

For Ahrin, it wasn't easy. It was never easy to gave up her dream and saw her friend being able to debut while she didn't.

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