tumblr is weird

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Okay.. so Awsten!Little scares me because first of all I dont get the little thing? Like if you are a little, GREAT GOOD ON YOU! but me personally I dont understand it because its not me. Dont get offended by me not getting it because I'm not attacking but Awsten knight TO ME isnt a little cause yeah know, hes a grown man and he himself isnt a little so going threw tumbler and looking at Awsten stuff and stumbling into that isnt my cup of tea.

But I just like seeing peoples art of awsten (and waterparks as a whole) is SUUUPER COOL. People who do cool art of there favorite bands and stuff have all my repect because some people just do it AND ITS SO AMAZING  AND LIKE HOLY SHIT. like if you do that KEEP CREATING  I WILL SUPPORT YOU if you dont think you're art is good I WILL SUPPORT YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH AND TELL YOU IT IS BECAUSE YOU DID WELL AND TOOK TIME OUT OF YOUR DAY TO DO IT KEEP CREATING

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