The Mid-Speller

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The merchant smiled at them when they approached him. "Good day to you, sir and Priest. How may I help you?"

"Well, we just came to look. We don't have anything specific in mind." Noah said.

The man nodded. "Well allow me to help you in your quest to discover what it is you might need."

He smiled at them. The man was at the most fifty, and at the least forty, Noah thought. He had green eyes, yellow-brown hair, and crooked teeth.

"Uhm, okay."

"Well let us see." He peered at Noah and looked at him from top to bottom. "Why sir, you ain't got any armour!"

"Don't need it. I am not often in fights." Noah declared.

"Ah, but fight you will, and soon too, I fear." The man shook his head sadly. "I noticed you two had entered Azuronea through the gate leading to Riden, and that means that you are moving forward to Glareo Town, correct?"

"No." Garrett said. "We're going forward through the other gate. The Gate of the Tear."

The man's eyes widened. "Then you do indeed need armour! The both of you!"

"I require no such equipment. Priests do not engage themselves in battle." Garrett said.

"Let me see your armours then, my good man." Noah said, smiling. "It might look fetching to wear armour, at least vambraces and a gorget. Maybe even shinguards."

The man snapped his fingers, and a box appeared before them, dark red of colour and enormous of size.

"A Mage?" Garrett was surprised.

The man laughed. "You overestimate me, my dear Priest. Only a Mid-Speller."

Garrett nodded.

The man snapped again and the box clicked open.

Inside the box were full sets of armour, bronze and plate and silver armour sets, some plain, others highly detailed with engravings and designs and emblems on them.

Noah touched one, black of colour and with red lines making symbols on it.

He smiled. "I like this one."

"Ah yes, the Leghyas Suit. Quite the armour, made by elves, you know. It's not too expensive either. Only threehundred golden coins." The man said with a clap of his hands.

"Hmm. That's still allot for what I have with me." Noah said. " Can we negotiate something? I don't want the whole set. Just the vambraces and shinguards would be fantastic."

The man looked pained. "Alas, that is a hard matter. Such a legendary suit shouldn't be split into pieces. Still, I am sure we can discuss it for the right price." The man grinned. "What do you have with you?"

"Uhm, I have fivehundred gold coins with me." Noah said, " But mayhaps we can trade?"

"Howso? Are you in possession of valuable items?"

"I am." Noah said. "Allow me to show you."

Noah took his leather bag, opened it, and took out the Myrian Flute.

"Ah, speaking of elves!" The man laughed. "Hmm, it is valuable. Indeed, I think there are only three of these Flutes in all of Berinyon. Where did you acquire such an item, my good sir?"

"Ah, won it. In a game of cards." Noah said. "Is it enough?"

"Oh, by trading this you can take the whole box of armour with ease." The man shook his head sadly. "Alas, this item was stolen, a couple of hours ago, to be exact. How strange that it should have landed into your hands after being stolen from mine!"

The man put the flute aside, did a swishing motion with his right hand, and blue fire hit Noah, slamming him to the floor.

"How dare you steal from me, you insolent child!" He yelled. "I will put your eyes out and feed your tongue to the crows!"

Garrett, who was silent for quite the while, was shocked and shaken back to reality by what had just happened and looked at Noah.


But Noah was no longer there, at least not in soul.

He laid there, shaking and fire wrapping his hands and face. He was transforming.

Garrett came to stand between the merchant and the soon to be beserk Noah.

The man laughed hysterically. "Are you going to fight me, Priest?"

"I will not let you harm my friend!" Garrett said, and let his leather bag and cloak fall to the floor, revealing his priest attire, which was white pants and a white buttoned-up shirt, with a blue belt and chains hanging from the belt.

"Then face me, Garrett Skygate, and show me what the son of the Allpriest is capable of doing!"

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