The City of Angels

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When they were close to Azuronea, Garrett stopped Noah from taking another step.

"Look." Garrett began, "Azuronea, it's not my favourite place. I want you to behave properly, as to not get us noticed. Can you do that, Noah?"

Noah looked hurt. "You wound me, Priest. Have you no faith in me?"

And then he smiled, and Garrett knew he wasn't really hurt.

"Is that a yes? Will you behave, Noah?"

"Yes, of course." Noah shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

"Will you behave, Belroar?" Garrett asked, this time more serious.

Noah looked him in the eye, and for a moment Garrett saw the fire in Noah's eyes.

"You know." Noah spoke, grinning, "I think Belroar likes it when you call him by his name. How about we don't do that anymore?"

Garrett looked at Noah, worry masking his face. "Noah?"

Noah grabbed him by the throat and pulled him up roughly. "Yes, Priest?"

His voice deeper and fire appearing at the corners of his mouth, Noah seemed a demonic version of himself.

"Noah! Let go!" Garrett uttered between gasps of pain.

"It's not Noah, Priest. It's Bel-"

"Noah!" Garrett said once more. "Let go!"

Noah's eyes turned to normal, and frightened by himself, let go of his friend.

Priest Garrett fell to his knees and spat on the ground.

"Garrett?" Noah asked, concerned.

"Noah, are you okay?" Garrett asked, looking at his friend.

"What? Don't worry about me!" Noah hissed. "Let's go."

"Of course I worry about you, lackwit!" Garrett said, grabbing Noah by the sleeve of his black and green robes. "You're half-dragon, scared, and I have no idea why we moved away from the other village and made way to Riden, while the other village was closer than here! Nor do I have any idea where you got those expensive items."

"Later. For now, let's move. Priest." Noah said. "And I am not scared."

Garrett sighed. "Stop calling me Priest. You know I don't like that."

They passed through the silver gates and were inside Azuronea.

The place was huge, with cathedrals and citadels touching the ceilings of the skies.

Every building was either white or blue, just like the garments of the Priests.

Garrett looked around and sighed. "It hasn't changed a bit."

"I believe you. It seems too big to experience big changes in little whiles."

"We shouldn't be here." Garrett said. "They won't like it."

"Why not?"

"A son of a dragon and a Priest who doesn't believe." Garrett shook his head. "It's asking for a burning at a stake for the two of us."

"It is a beautiful place, though." Noah admired.

"The City of Angels." Garrett said.

"Why is it called that, actually?"

"Because Angels guard us all here." Garrett said. "There are no knights here, nor guards. All who protect Azuronea are from above."

"Seems dangerous, to have protection based on faith." Noah said. "Why hasn't anyone attacked it yet?"

"Attack Azuronea? That's going against God himself. No one dares tempt His wrath, Noah. No one goes that far."

"Hmm. That's weird, those words coming from your mouth. Priest."

"Ah. Let's go." Garrett grabbed Noah by the elbow. "The sooner we move, the sooner we're out of here."

Suddenly a man's voice was heard.

"I have all rare items and valuable products here!" The man bellowed. "For the travellers who need equipment, I have it all!"

The man was a merchant in front of his hut, and he was calling to the people walking by.

"Come on, Garrett." Noah said, let's check it out."

Garrett shook his head. "No. Let's go."

"Oh come on. Five minutes only. What harm can it do?"

"Fine. Five minutes. What harm can it indeed do."

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