Off To Azuronea

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When Garrett finally woke up, he found himself in a cave and in horrible lighting.

He rubbed his forehead. It hurt like crazy, as if he had been hit in the head with a smith's anvil.

He looked around and saw only rocks and the walls of the cave.

Upon better inspection, however, Garrett noticed that there was a pile of stuff a little ways from him.

He stood up, and went to see what they were.

To his big surprise, he saw some stuff of very high value.

There was a Myrian Flute, rumoured to be able to awaken deceased tree elves, a Pyrenian Dagger, some small bags of coins and jewels, and some maps. Apart from the highly valuable things, there were also some fruits, pouches with water and wine, two loaves of bread, two bags made of animal pelts, likely of badger or bear, and a cheap sword, by the looks of it.

He also saw, now that his eyes had adjusted to the close to dark cave's shade of light, that there was a small pile of wood on the floor a little to his left.

"Noah?" Garrett spoke, "Noah, where are you?"

When no answer came, Garrett began to worry. "Noah!"

"Calm down, Garrett." Noah grabbed him by the shoulder. "You'll awaken the village nearby."

"Villa-" Garrett looked at his friend. "Noah, where are we? Noah, you're human!"

"I know!" Noah said. "It's all thanks to your book."

Noah raised his shirt and Garrett saw that Noah had the blood red tome adjusted on a strap to his belt, like a holster for a dagger, dangling from his belt.

"And we're close to the village Riden." Noah continued.

"We've moved?" Garrett asked. "And how is my book helping you?"

"It's simple. The book is magic. It neutralizes the dark energy from the Belroar."

"Ah, I understand." Garrett nodded. "And the cave? Why did you move me to somewhere else?"

"Ah, no time for that." Noah said. He seemed nervous. "We must go. Help me carry the things."

"Go? Go where?"

"To Azuronea, of course." Noah smiled. "It's on our way to the Mouth of Fire."

Garrett looked traumatized. "Azuronea? Oh please no."

"What's wrong with Azuronea?" Noah asked, walking to the entrance of the cave with a leather bag filled with stuff on his back. "Let's go, Priest."

Garrett sighed deeply. Then he followed Noah Crowshire.

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