The Son of the All-Priest

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Garrett opened his book and shot blasts of blue mana at the Mid-Speller, who in return dodged and shot fire at Garrett.

So it continued for a while, and as that took place, Noah cringed and groaned whilst shaking on the floor.

"Just step aside, Priest Garrett Skygate, and let me vanquish the demon behind you!" The Mid-Speller bellowed angrily when he realized that Garrett was not going to grant him easy passage to Noah.

"I would never let you touch him, foul monster!" And Garrett raised his hand into the air, and when he shot it back down, a strong wind came and pushed the Mid-Speller backwards, so that he lost his balance for a second.

In that second, Garrett let his book fall to the floor, and with a twirl and another hand-motion, the pages from Garrett's book tore off and attacked the Mid-Speller like daggers.

In a couple of seconds, the man was filled with cuts and was bleeding heavily.

As he fell down, however, he exploded into a cloud of black smoke, and as the black smoke cleared, Garrett heard a chuckle behind him.

"You are so much fun, Priest." The man grabbed him by the shoulder. "But it has been enough time wasted, don't you think?"

Garrett felt a sharp pain in his back and saw that one of the paper daggers was shoved into his back by the Mid-Speller.

Garrett turned and punched the man, who groaned as Garrett's fist slammed unto his nose.

Garrett then took the paper dagger out and attacked the man with it, cutting the man at his arm and face.

The man smiled at him and grabbed him by his long sandy-coloured hair.

Garrett screamed in agonizing pain as the man pulled him down and shot him in the face with blue fire.

At the sound of that scream, Noah stood up.

More beast than man, Noah's puffs of breath produced smoke and his eyes were a deep orange, like glowing metal.

His tail lightly swung behind him, and he stared at the Mid-Speller as he extended his claws.

"Ah, finally we can begin this." The Mid-Speller grinned, "I bet a half-dragon boy's body is worth allot!"

Noah moved towards him, so fast that the Mid-Speller couldn't even see him, and before the Mid-Speller could react, Noah grabbed him by the throat with both claws.

With a sickening crunch and tear, Noah ripped the Mid-Speller's head off.

Blood streamed from the neck and the head, and Noah threw the body and the head on the floor as carelessly as one would let a stone fall.

Noah walked to where Garrett was lying, and as he neared him, he transformed back.

"Garrett, get up. We have to go." Noah said.

Garrett slowly raised his head and looked at Noah, and Noah saw that Garrett had burn marks on his face.

"Noah, go on. I'll be fine. Just get to the Mouth of Fire." Garrett grinned.

"I believe that will not be possible." A voice came.

Noah looked around and spotted two men standing on the roof of one of the big buildings.

"Who are you?" Noah asked.

"Messengers of the All-Priest, sent here to summon you to the Great Cathedral of Berinyon. You must follow us." The other said.

The sun forbade Noah to see who they were, for it shone right behind them.

"And if we were to refuse?"

"Then your friend would doubtlessly die." One of them said. "Those burns were made by special fire, and the All-Priest is the only one specialized in such healings."

"Follow us." The other said, and they began walking away, still on the roof of a building. " It is time for the Priest Skygate to see his father once more."

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