Disconnected Law x Reader - In Hopes Of Better Times

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[f/n] - first name

(Belated) Happy New Year to you all, I hope your 2015 will be spectacular!

I love this picture so much to be honest, it's one of my favourite Law pictures someone has done. It's just so perfect I can't explain <3 It's currently my background for almost everything.

The song I linked with this one is the one that's playing at the party you guys go to. Did I say party? Why yes I did. This is suppose to be a New Years one shot. So if you don't/can't drink, just go with the flow. So, just a heads up, for one part of this you're drunk.

Question - would you guys like me to try and find songs for each one shot? Ones either go with it or just one I think you guys should listen to? :3 I'm just curious [and I love sharing my music :3]

Thank you Miss_Chocolate_36 for giving me such an amazing idea!

You hated him. You hated how every time you'd bring up doing something together he'd brush you off, or how every time you'd asked why he acted the way he did he ignored you. You don't know why you haven't broke it off with him yet.

Because you love him, the little voice in your head immediately spoke up.

You sighed, sitting on your couch and flicking back and forth between channels. You knew that was the reason, you just hated it. How even after being together for almost half a year he still hasn't opened up to you. You've been trying and trying but he just seems so disconnected from people. You two have never even kissed yet, let alone sleep in the same bed.

"[f/n]," you heard him say as he walked to the couch you were on and took a seat on the other end. "What're you watching?"

"Nothing much," you mumbled, chucking the remote to him. "Here, I'm gonna go get something."

He mumbled something in response which you couldn't catch and quite frankly didn't care. You walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic mistletoe you hid in one of the many drawers. Grabbing a tac, you as quietly as you could pinned it to the ceiling of the doorway into the kitchen. Christmas was only a few days ago, this still counted.

"Hey Law, can you come help me find something?" You called to him with a sneaky smile on your face.

"Sure," you heard him call back.

Waiting at the door, you saw him come to meet you. Exactly where you want him.

"What do you need help with?" He asked, looking down at you. "You're not even in the kitchen."

"No, but oh!" You exclaimed, looking up at the fake plant. "It seems we got caught under the mistletoe. You know what that means?"

He looked up at the thing, reaching his hand up and pinching one of the leaves. "It's fake."

"So? It's still a mistletoe!" You argued.

He looked down at you, shaking his head. "If it's not real then the rules don't apply," he explained, turning back around and walking towards the living room once more.

"You just made that up!" You yelled back, hearing nothing in response.

You groaned, hitting your head against the door to the kitchen. "Why? Why? What've I ever done wrong? I just want one kiss! Is that so wrong?"

You sighed, feeling a buzzing in your pocket. You stood back up straight and reached into your pocket to pull out your phone. Looking at the glowing screen, you saw a text message from Shachi , a good friend of Law and yours.

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