Emotional Law x Reader - Bring Me Back To Life

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[f/n] - first name

watch the video I linked with this cause oh my gawd I cried the first time I saw it. then listen to the song while reading this, cause emotions

So update in my life (cause you guys are so interested *sarcasm*) I still haven't got my family Christmas gifts and I don't know what to get them. I'm such a procrastinator to be honest. I'll make this work though *nervously laughs it off*

ps - didn't want to put it in the actual title, but this I actually an Emotional Law x Dying Reader one shot. Just a heads up :)

Now I know you haven't died before (or have you..?) so the readers position isn't really relatable in any aspect which I try to usually make it, but I just really wanted to write this, so I really hope you guys still like it x3

Everything around you was a haze. You couldn't really comprehend what was happening around you anymore, besides the fact that someone was holding you very close.

You could feel tear drops land on your broken body, stinging each time one touched. You couldn't even open your eyes anymore, not without feel overwhelming pain.

You tried to slowly take breaths, anything really, but failing as you began to cough uncontrollably. It's like you could feel your body slowly start to break down, everything that should be working backfiring.

You already felt dead.

I'm breathing in
I'm breaking down
I feel my time is running out
The fire in my heart will burn me to the ground

You felt the arms around you still, gently holding you up from laying completely on the ground.

Even though your hearing was bad as a result of all the explosions and loud warfare going on around you, you could still hear out of your right ear.

Not hearing the cries of who ever was with you well enough, you gingerly brought your hand to your ear and pointed, hissing slightly from the movement.

They must've understood, because within seconds you felt their face hovering next to your ear.

"[f/n]..?" You heard a very familiar voice shakily whisper.

You smiled despite the pain. "Law."

You heard a loud sob, surprising you because of how he usually never cries.

"[f/n], what the hell were you thinking?" he hissed at you, half angry and half still upset.

"I'm fine Law, I feel fine, so don't worry about me," you mumbled. "I did what I had to do."

"You didn't have to go facing an Admiral! I could've done that and then you and the crew would've been fine!" He yelled, moving back slightly from your ear thankfully. He probably could've put the last one out of commission.

"I'm trying to protect you, and what do you do? This! You do this!" He yelled, despite his tone, gently placing his hand over your severely injured stomach.

"It's okay though, because everyone's safe now, right?" You asked, hoping for a good answer.

You didn't hear him well for a minute, though it wasn't hard to tell he was trying, and failing, not to cry.

"Yeah," he croaked. "They're all safe, thanks to you."

You couldn't help but feel that he was lying to you.

I did my part I tried my best, the things I'm fighting to protect
Always shatter into pieces in the end.

"Alright, that's good," you mumbled, not wanting to know the truth anymore. "I'm glad. I love them all so much."

Trafalgar Law x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now