Rebellious Law x Reader - Temptation

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[f/n] - first name

[l/n] - last name

Okay, so guys, I'm just saying, but it was my birthday Saturday so my mom took me out to a Sushi restaurant and I'm in love <3 Like I loved sushi and Japanese cuisine before, but I just tried some new stuff and I've been eating it for like the past two day :3 No shame. Fuji mountain roll - get it if you get the chance!

First part of my Law x Reader story is now posted as well incase you guys wanted to know :3 If you guys had the time, it would mean a lot to me if you gave it a shot! :)

parts that are in italic bold are lyrics from an amazing song called 'Painkiller' by Three Days Grace. Listen to it though, it's like my everything, not gonna lie.

If you don't have a phone just pretend it's like your iPod or your device or if you don't have one in general just pretend :)

modern au

high school au

"Surprise surprise, another predictable day in the life of [f/n] [l/n]" you muttered sarcastically to yourself as you trudged home from school.

You couldn't help but be just bored of it all. I mean, let's be honest. You had friends, you had a decent time at school, but it was all predictable. And boring. And making you question whether anything would ever change.

You walked into your house, as per usual to your room, where you kicked your shoes off and flung them away from you. Flopping down on the bed, your bag slowly falling off your back and onto the floor.

"Urgh, why is this always the same? Why can't something just happen for a change?" You asked your ceiling, rolling onto your back so you were looking up. "In just a minute, I'll hear Mom ask how school was-"

"Honey, I didn't know you got home? How was school today?"

"Good," you yelled back, groaning after. "And then I'll reply with a simple 'good'."

You closed you eyes, imagining if something happened that just changed your regular, boring pattern. Super powers, a meteorite, the freaking zombie apocalypse.

You were desperate.

"I just wish something different would come along," you mumbled into your pillow, hugging it to your face.


You walked, as per usual, to school from your house, lugging your shoulder strap bag along with with.

"It's finally Friday," you sighed in relief, walking into the parking lot. "I've never been more happy to say that."

Walking into the parking lot, you watched, and almost leaped out of the way, of a motorcycle that sped into the area and parked in a free spot next to you.

You frowned, as you walked over to the person now getting off the bike.

"Hey, guy on the bike," you called, gaining their attention as they looked over at you with their helmet still on their head.

"You almost hit me there! I could've got hurt," you threw at him, standing less then a half a meter away from them now. "You need to watch where you're going."

You heard them chuckle from inside their helmet as they took it off to reveal the most gorgeous face you've ever seen. Dark stormy eyes that just screamed 'don't mess with me' but ones that also said 'come dance with me'.

"Sorry there, I was going to come over and apologize. I swear," he said, placing a hand over his heart with a lying grin.

Don't get distracted [f/n], you told yourself. He's not that attractive with a personality like that.

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