Teacher Law x Failing Student Reader - Exceptional

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[f/n] - first name

[bf/n] - best friends name

modern time

I couldn't find a picture of Teacher Law so just enjoy this comic of him and his crew being cute and hilarious xD

this was actually the first one I wrote out of all these one shots but I just kept pushing it back cause I couldn't think of an ending xD But everyone needs a teacher like Law so I just had to write this ;)

Law in this is very... Not Law. Sorry.

"Why do you have so many classes with Mr. Law?" [bf/n], a good friend of yours, groaned. "You're so lucky."

"I don't get it, why do you and almost every girl in this school fawn over him?" you said, taking a bite into your lunch. "I mean, he's gotta be like at almost ten years older then the oldest girl here! That's just weird in my books."

"Well I don't know what your reading, but in my books if you look like that, anything's okay," your friend winked.

You laughed at your friend and their almost obsession with your biology teacher. You would admit though, he did look pretty good. He'd usually wear casual work clothes, trousers and such but that didn't mean they didn't look amazing on him. Once on the weekend though you'd seen him with a cute hat on, one white with spots on it.

"Well have fun in bio," [bf/n] smiled, standing up from their seat. "But not to much fun alright?"

You rolled your eyes. "Don't be lecturing me on that. Like I'd ever do anything stupid like whatever going on in that perverted mind of yours!"

Laughing, they walked off. "Whatever [f/n]! See you after school!"


Hearing the bell signalling the end of class was like hearing a call from heaven itself. Biology was not your best subject, so the past hour has been almost torture.

Ignoring whatever the teacher was spouting on about in the last minute, you gathered up all your work and shoved it into your binder except for one piece of paper you got this class clutching it tightly in your hand.

Realizing everyone else left class already, you picked up your binder and tucked it under your arm.

"Where're you going [f/n]?"

You stopped in your steps, hearing the voice you had to listen to for the past hour address you. You turned around to see Mr. Law staring blankly at you from his desk.

"Uh.. home?" you said, looking back at him like it was obvious.

"Well then I guess you missed when I said for you to stay after class for a minute," he mumbled, picking up a small pile of papers from the corner of his organized desk.

You shuffled over to stand back in front of his desk, setting your binder down on a desk behind you.

"[f/n], you haven't been doing so well in my class," he said to you, skimming the papers and glancing up to you with his dark eyes. "You just got below fifty on your latest test."

You crumpled the test paper you were holding in your hand and lightly chucked it at his chest, picking up your binder after. "Sorry, Mr. Law, but I would think that the someone who attempted to teach me the subject would take some responsibility for how it turns out."

He looked up at you coldly past the few loose pieces of his raven black hair that covered part of his face.

You glared back just as strong. "Well? Anything to say?"

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