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She quietly sat against the cold and hard rock wall. Just reading. People pass by, she goes unnoticed. She sat and thought back to a year ago. How she separated herself from everyone. Her group never questioned though. No one even noticed that she was desperate to get noticed. She needed help. She needed someone else to help her with her problems. Yet she went unnoticed.

She went to the bathrooms everyday, just to go and sob. She would see the dark red blood drip from her wrist. Each day was a new cut. A new meaning. Until she felt no pain. She was a nobody to everyone. She was unnoticed in her classes. The teachers never once questioned her. Her parents went as though she wasn't around. Yet they went with a slight sorrow through the movements. As they passed a picture.

She sat reading. She had one book. Her outfits never changed. She was never noticed. But there were pictures. She was not seen but she was? How you may ask. She only wanted to be noticed. But no one could see her. They could see the photos. But not her. She would hear people, "she only wanted friends. She only needed a helping hand."

She never knew what they meant. She was sitting there. Alone. Unnoticed. But her photos were. Why wasn't she? She then heard her old best friend, "I could've helped. I wasn't able to though. I'm sorry. I miss you. I wish you didn't die. I wish you could be here by my side still."

The girl then froze. She went unnoticed. She died. She hung herself. How could she forget? She just wanted to be noticed. But she wasn't destined to be noticed. Ever since she has sat by the cold and hard rock wall. Waiting and waiting. For someone to notice her.

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