A Crisis In Words

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"The cycle and importance of life if you can... Just the generalities"

I know you said importance of life but life really isn't important when you think about it. Like yeah we're here, alive and stuff, but why? We aren't given an ultimate purpose or anything. Humans are what I'm referring to specifically if you were wondering. We don't know why we're here, or even how. We just are. We call ourselves the most intelligent species on the planet so by that logic we are the "rulers" or whatever. We don't have a purpose so we give ourselves one like "get rich," "have a family," "be happy." The only reason we set these goals for ourselves is for a temporary sense of self fulfillment. In the end though, it's utterly worthless. What's the point in being rich if we live a mortal life? We don't know if there's anything there after we die. We just die, that's it. No epilogue chapter, no post credit scene, no "next life." There really isn't any *point* to us being here. We have a consciousness so we can think these "advanced" thoughts. We think that humans are the only ones who have a consciousness, but we really have no proof that other organisms can or can't think like us. People usually leave things like hunting skills and strategies down to "instinct." Okay enough of the existential crisis, let's talk about the during life part. A main thing humans want is happiness, right? The want for happiness is what drives some people. The want for it can make people selfish though. An example of this is life support in hospitals, especially for old people. What I mean is, keeping someone alive for as long as possible, even if they are suffering, just so we can fill out selfish need to be happy. We'd rather let that person suffer in (possible) silence and keep us healthy people happy, than just let the sick person die and be relieved of their pain, leaving us sad or whatever. People are selfish, but a lot of them see this selfishness as "kindness" somehow. Whether they realize it or not, it's selfish and dare I say, cruel. That word, cruel, let's link that to my next point, morality. Humans determine what's right and wrong by their self decided morals. Some people have more morals than others, and some have less. People push their morals onto animals as well to determine if it's actions were "right" or "wrong." Example: a dog bites a person and gets put down as a consequence. This is, with lack of a better word currently, idiotic. We say that the "animal doesn't know better" but we still put it down for what it did. Animals don't know better, that they aren't as conscious as us, so why do we punish it? To make the person who was bit feel better? That's useless because the person bit probably has a fear of dogs now. If we say that animals aren't as conscious as us, then they can do no wrong. If they're less conscious then they have no morals. No morals = they can't do anything wrong. So people punishing animals for things they did "wrong" is utterly stupid. The only things animals do wrong is what people say they do wrong. Who do people think they are to push their judgement onto things that don't know any better. Next subject: why? A seeming simple question that is actually the most complicated. Why? No matter what people think, they can't answer that question. Let's use fire as a main example. Flames are a visual indicator of heated gas. Fire occurs whenever combustible fuel in the presence of oxygen at an extremely high temperature becomes gas. So yeah, people think they know why fire happens, but we really don't. Combustible fuel in the presence of oxygen at an extremely high temperature becomes gas. But why? Why is the fuel combustible? Because of the way its particles (for lack of better wording) react to heat? Why do the particles react that way? Because of something happening on an atomic level? But why? No one knows the answer. It just happens because that's the explanation that people gave it. So that our small minds can comprehend something like that happening. Truth is, no one really knows anything. I don't know anything, you don't know anything, no one does. We just act like we do. But how long can we keep up the act until we all just snap? How long until we give up on understanding the infinite expanse of the very undiscovered universe? It'll happen one day. The question is when?
-Written by friend

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