Shot or Heartbroken?

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"Would you rather be shot or heartbroken?" That one question echoed through Jack's mind. He never truly got it. He never really even understood it. Yes he's been through break ups. But does it really compare to being shot? He would wonder what am I missing? What am I not getting?

He was a happy 17 year old. He had a happy family, a kind and loving girlfriend, and wonderful friends. But why? Why did the war have to start? He was immediately sent away from all his happiness. He fought in war. He was a good soldier. He felt compelled to fight for him and everyone. But then, he felt something strike through his shoulder. He fell to his knees and screamed in pain. As he reached for his shoulder he felt the warm, red tint blood flow from his shoulder.

As he stumbled getting up, he yelled, "MEDIC!" But no one came. He was on his own. He ripped his pants and tied it around his shoulder to help stop the bleeding. As he quickly recovered he then went running for the camp. As he entered the camp soldiers rushed to his aid. He then was quickly treated and stitched up. Jack laid and thought of would you rather be shot or heartbroken? He still questioned it. He still couldn't figure it out.

As Jack was resting, he heard a man call his name. He looked up and saw a phone being held out to him. Jack reached for the phone and answered it. It was his father. But he came with horrid news. As they talked, Jack had asked about his girlfriend. As his father fell silent he heard him say, "I'm sorry son. She is no longer with us."

Jack fell silent and felt tears stream down his face. He then hesitantly asked, "w-what happened to... her?"

His father with a quaking voice, "she couldn't bear the thought of you going to war and she.. uh... had shot herself."

Jack finally knew what heartbreak was. He finally knew what that question meant. He had never felt anything worse than heartbreak. Hearing that the love of his life had died shattered him. He quietly whispered, "I'd rather be shot again..."

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