♡Edelgard X M!Reader♡~ Cardinal Path

920 14 5

Request from: @AntmanMoran101
Artist: Unknown

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Warning: This one-shot will have violence and a small suggestive scene. Other than that, enjoy!
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Years have past, the war never ended between the Adrestian Empire and the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. The only thing that these two saw in war was blood from their enemies and allies, and boy do they love it.

The only thing you truly wanted was a family with your wife, but the only thing she wanted was revenge for her people and the prince of Faerghus to perish.

Right now, you weren't in a good position since you are currently attending a death execution of an ally who was supposedly a spy of Faerghus.

"So, you were on their side this whole time?"

The woman was kneeled down and tied up to the floor, not giving any eye contact to the queen since she couldn't move her head.

"P-Please! This was nothing personal, it was just-"

Edelgard slammed her axe down which interrupted the women, "I don't give a damn if this wasn't personal! How dare you come into my kingdom and think you can get away with this?!"

Tears was streaming down the women's face. You weren't the only one watching this beside Edelgard, Hubert and Byleth was there as well.

"Say your highness, how about we get this over with by chopping this traitor's head off."

Hubert was always a guy with a dark mindset, so it wasn't surprising when he said this.

"You're right. Teach, wanna do the honor?"

"No, I would rather watch. Let's see how good you really are with this axe."

Edelgard smiles as she lifted up her axe up high and focused on the women's neck.

"Oh god! Please don't kill me, I have a family!"


That word was ringing in (Y/N)'s head. She may be a traitor, but death isn't something she deserves at all. Without hesitation, (Y/N) stopped Edelgard by holding her arm back.

"Edelgard no! This isn't right, she has a family!"

(Y/N) received a fierce glare from Edelgard, "Why do you even care!? This women was the reason why our men were recently dying! She is useless to us."

"B-But that doesn't mean she deserves to die like that! Look, I'm not saying we should let her go but please, I would feel much more comfortable if we locked her up."

"Oh? So you think your option is better? Then let everyone in the group decide on what we should do with this women."

Edelgard turns to the crowd, "If you think we should let this traitor live and lock her up, say I!"

There was silence for a moment.

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