1st part

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“Mom,” Taehyun barely said, “where are we going?”  - sounded too childish.

Although, why childish?  It really was a child.  Taehyun was only three years old (almost four).

“We're going to kindergarten, Thehen ~ and, walk faster, you're already big.”

“I don't want to go to kindergarten, and ... I'm not small!”  - menacingly (read: charmingly) Taehyun said and poked his mother in the stomach with a finger.  Only there could reach his little hands.

“I know, Tae, did I say you're small?”  - She looked inquiringly into the eyes of her son.“I didn’t,” said Taehyun sadly and looked away at the large multi-colored house with a large flag of the same color.  - Mum!  Mum!  What is it?  Asked little Te and pointed with his finger to the place where this structure, unusual for his childhood understanding, was located.

Mom first hung: what can I say to the child?

“Son, very happy people live there,” she said, hoping that Taehyun would still believe her words.  Well, she will not begin to tell the little child about the church, about the fact that it is for those who love people of their gender;  and this conversation would not be about a boy with a boy, but about alpha with alpha and omega with omega.  About how nature has programmed alpha to be with omega, and it does not matter what kind of gender.  The fact that even if you're a guy, then, being an omega (whom Taekhyun was), you can still get pregnant.

Why would a baby know this?  Only spoil the psyche.  Let him become an adult and then he himself will understand everything.  In the meantime, he does not need to think about such a thing.

Mrs. Kim deduced little Tae from the thoughts.

- Wow, how beautiful, then I also want to live there, I also want such a flag.  Mom, buy, buy, buy, I want the flag-e-ek!  Will you buy?  - puppy eyes never let Taekhyun down.

Mom was taken aback in earnest.  What to answer to the child?  Ah, there was no need to lie.  Although no, I did well that I didn’t tell the truth, and there would have been even more questions that had already confused Tete’s small head.

“Let me better buy you the flag of Korea, so big that it’s all over the wall, huh?”  Do you want  - It is better to instill patriotism in your son than to talk about pestles and stamens.

- Yes!  I want, want, want, want, - clapping his hands and without stopping jumping with happiness, the boy was chattering.

Mom thought to herself: "Well, that's it, the trouble has passed by itself, and the psyche of the child remained intact."

- So, Taehyung, go get your hands on it, otherwise at this pace we can already apply for speed competitions with a snail and a turtle.

- A snail?  - opens her mouth in surprise.  - What is it?

- This is a slowly moving clam.

- AND?  - Now Taehyung is completely frozen.

At that moment, my mother remembered that she was still talking with a three-year-old baby.

- Tae, - sighed mom, - well, look, we go to the kindergarten, and there good and smart people will answer all, all, all your questions, - one more point in the piggy bank of the pluses of the kindergarten: the child asks the less, the whole mother  nervous system.  “We are almost there,” she said, and let the child go, only he didn’t even think about letting his mother go, “come down, Tae, you’re not small, go yourself.”

- Mom, I'm small, I do not want myself.  I want on pens.

Well, here we are.

- You just recently said that it was already big.

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