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Beez had his scarf in their hand for a few seconds before they miracled themselves back to his house. When the flash subsided Gabriel saw that we were in his bedroom. Beelzebub was standing in front of him with puppy dog eyes. "What?" He asks. They just looked up at him. They never act like this around other people. He figures they want him to do something.
       They yank his scarf off and pull him by the collar. "Hey, hey carful this is a nice shirt." He grumbles. They didn't say a word, they just kept pulling him over to the bed. They sat down and wrapped their arms and legs around his waist and upper body. "Um, okay" he stutters. They just sit there.
      Gabriel climbs over them and snuggles up beside them. They turn around and get into the same position. He just figure their tired. He huffs and close his eyes. He slips into the deepest sleep he's ever had.

             It was before the fall. Everything was peaceful. No rules. Nothing bad ever happened. Until the first fell. Then more and more started to fall. Then they fell. Beelzebub was stunning. They were wearing white robes like everyone else but they were different. They  were beautiful. Gabriel was head over heels for them. Until they fell. He was told they were gone forever. He started to forget. Forget everything they had together. Until he was being threatened with being fallen. Then he remembered.

Gabriel jolted awake. He felt the bed next to him to fine it empty. He took a big breath in and let it out with a heavy sigh. He hopped out of the bed and shuffled out of the room. Beelzebub was sitting in the kitchen looking out of the window with a cup of coffee. "It's really early what are you doing up?" Gabriel slurred tiredly. "Nightmares" they said quietly. Gabriel asked what happened in their nightmares but their mouth stayed shut. They turned around and refused to make eye contact. Gabriel's got the message and stopped asking questions. He wrapped them in his arms and held them tight.
He could tell that they had a rough night. "Breakfast?" Gabriel asked. "Pancakes" they replied. Gabriel nodded but didn't move since they were still nestled on his chest. He figured that no one will notice if he miracled some pancakes for the small demon. He snaps his fingers and a plate of 3 decent-sized pancakes appear on the table. Gabriel kind of shuffles them over to the table. They sit down and wave at Gabriel. He kisses them on the head and walks away.

This adds nothing to the story I just though it'd be a cute filler

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