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       After Michel left Gabriel finished up his meetings and about 4 hours of paperwork later he went back down to Earth. He knew he would probably be questioned about it but at this point he didn't care. Beelzebub was in the living room. He walked in and jumped when he turned to corner and saw the demon sitting there. He calmed down and walked over to the couch. "Shouldn't you be at work?" Gabriel asked. "I didn't feel like going in." Beez shrugged. Gabriel sat next to them. "Rough day?" Gabriel nodded. He laid his head in Beelzebub's lap. They started to comb their fingers through his hair. It was strange because Beelzebub would never act like this in public. Same thing with Gabriel. As soon as he steps into the house and he locks the doors he hunches over and relaxes.

Beelzebub helps Gabriel relax and the other way around. A little while after Gabriel laid his head in the prince's lap he drifted off to sleep.

It was a rainy day. Gabe and Beez were walking down the street for some reason. Beelzebub had their street cloths on. A plain black sweatshirt and a pair of ripped jeans. And a pair of black and white vans with a grey beanie. Gabriel was wearing a light purple turtleneck and jeans with white vans. He had no memories of come of out here. He looked over his shoulder and saw two black figures. He grabbed Beelzebub's arm and started to walk quicker. Beez was confused but kept up. Gabriel looked back again and the two figures were gone. He let out a breath he didn't know her was holding. He turned back around and the two figures were right in front of him and Beelzebub was unconscious on the ground. Gabriel felt a sharp pain in his head before he feel to his knees and feel unconscious. Not even a second later he woke up in a dark damp room. He was handcuffed to a pole. He had no power left to fight. He was almost completely powerless.

He looked up and saw a lit area. There was a table and Simone on it. His vision was blurry but he knew who was on the table. It was Beelzebub. He jumped up and wanted to run to them but he was yanked back by the chain. His shoulder popped from how hard he pulled. He groaned in pain. All he could do was sit and watch. The two figures came into the room and stepped into the light. They scanned Beelzebub up and down. "Don't touch them" Gabriel growled. One of the figures laughed and walked towards Gabe. He backed up a bit but he could couldn't get away. The figure knelt down and reached towards Gabriel's face. He backed up as far as he could.

The figure growled and grabbed Gabriel by the shoulder. Gabriel yelled out in pain. Beelzebub jolted up but they were strapped to the table. Gabriel was dragged from the pole towards the table. He was sat in a chair he didn't notice before. The dark shadow chained him to the chair. I was right next to the table Beelzebub was on. "Are you okay,did they hurt you,what happened?" Gabriel asked frantically. "I'm okay what about you, what happened to your shoulder?" Beelzebub said on the verge of tears. Gabriel leaned as far as he could without hurting his shoulder. The figures came back into the room with a large bucket of something. Gabriel knew what it was as soon as they stepped in the room.

Holy water.

He looked mortified. He started struggling against the chains he was in. It was no use. He couldn't get out. The figure walked closer. STOP! PLEASE!WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" Gabriel yelled. The figures just kept walking towards the table. They hung the bucket above Beelzebub. One of the figures stepped forward "Their is no use in struggling. This demon will be eliminated with or without your help. But you have a choice. Either help us and live, or reject us and die with this demon." The figure said in a distorted voice.

"please" Gabriel begged quietly. The gourde looked at each other and pulled a switch and the bucket flipped. The water fell in slow motion. Beelzebub shut their eyes. Gabriel screamed. Beelzebub had been killed. For good. Their was no way of bringing them back. Instead of being discorporated, they are gone. Just gone. Gabriel had tears streaming down his face. He was a screaming, crying mess.The figures came over to him and brought him into a different room.He didn't fight. His whole world had just been completely destroyed. He was dragged into a corner. They put a bag over his head. He heard a clicking noise. A loud sound of a gun rang in his ears for just a second. He was in pain but everything went black.

He jolted up and fell completely off the couch. He was crying and shaking. Beelzebub jumped up and raced down towards Gabriel. Gabriel had his eyes shut tight. The demons put their hands on each side of his face and pulled him into a tight hug. Gabriel gasped and hugged just as tightly. Gabriel was muttering things like "Thank god your alive. I thought you died. Don't leave me again. Please never do that again." Beelzebub releases Gabriel and asked what happened. Gabriel was reluctant but told them the whole nightmare. By the time Gabriel was don't with the story he was crying even harder and could barely get out a sentence. He completely broke down. Beelzebub had a tear rolling down their cheek and pulled Gabriel into a tight hug. They sat there for almost 20 minutes.

Gabriel finally calmed down after several sweet words and Beelzebub rubbing Gabriel's back. They pulled him up into a sweet,loving kiss. Gabriel still had tears on his face but kissed back. Beelzebub pulled back and looked into Gabriel's a eyes and inspected him. His hair was matted down and his face was red and caked in tears. He looked terrified and miserable. Beelzebub stood up and pulled Gabe with them. He was shaking still and they walked to the to the bathroom. Gabriel sat down on the toilet with his head in his hands while Beelzebub ran the bath.

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