Hmmmm. That's the least of my worry for now because I have other things to handle.

I stand up and take a walk around the garden while stretching my body. It felt nice to move around a bit and finally breathe after all the chaos I've been through. My life seemed like it was going to be normal with mother being her free-spirited self, the maids having fun, and even my friends are with me. But the view is completely destroyed by Claude since he's basically locking us up in this place.

Tsk! That bastard! Just wait until I escape from this place with everyone!

I plucked a rose from its root and held it in my hand tight, letting the thorns sink into my skin as blood gushes out. I was glaring at the ground while gritting my teeth with hatred at this hideous place. My mana was acting up again as I felt its energy surging in my body and flowing out. I hate all of this but I can't go now. No... I have to be patient.

Patience is important. Calm down, Athanasia.


I hear a heavy stomp from my back and I come back to my senses. I get goosebumps all over my body as chills shiver down my spine. The presence is familiar and recognizable. It disgusts me. My mood got ruined as my smile turned to a frown with my whole face having a deadpan expression. My mana stops surging as it slows down and gets contained within my body again. The rose from my hand fell onto the ground with drips of blood following it and staining the petals. The cuts on my hands get healed as the blood disappears on my hand. I turned around with the wind current getting stronger and breezing through my hair as I faced the man himself.

"You look bored" He speaks to me coldly with a deadpan face similar to mine but only more cruel and heartless.

I curtsy normally and look directly into his soulless eyes. "What causes you to be here, Your Majesty?" I asked. "I don't recall that you'll be visiting today"

"I don't need to request it."

"Of course, Your Majesty. You are the emperor" We stared at each other in silence.

It was quiet and awkward with no one but us around. It feels chilly despite the sun shining brightly onto us. He was looking at me expressionlessly with his mouth shut and standing still. I didn't want to be curious about his sudden visit because they're always random and other stuff. Judging by his face, I could already tell he's been sleeping and getting enough food. A long time ago, he looked overworked and tired all the time with eye bags on his face similar to mother. She used to be pale and skinny with alcohol as her perfume though she managed to recover from her problems. But not me. I still hold a grudge against this damn bastard for ruining our lives. It wouldn't have been better if he had just minded his own business but no he didn't! This selfish man has to fall for my mother even when he didn't know her real identity! I-

Ah! I got caught in my own thoughts and almost blinded by my anger again. No, no. No bad thoughts and just focus on the present.

I blinked twice at him and we were still in the same position with the atmosphere completely awkward. I was getting uncomfortable by his stare and presence. His action of staring at me for no reason like a statue is beginning to worry me. He seems to have no intention of questioning me at all. Then suddenly he slowly raised his hand and my eyebrows went up. I tilt my head at him in bewilderment when he stops his hand mid-air and I take a step back from his suspicious glare.

"Your Majesty?"


A surge of powerful mana appeared from the side and struck me all of a sudden. It came out of nowhere and too fast. The loud noise and impact of it clashing created a bright flash that blinded me for a second. My arms were covering and protecting my head as I looked away from the clash. My body vibrated and my ears rang but I remained unhurt from the whole thing. My face turned to the front and I saw mana flowing out of his hand with magical symbols hovering below his palm. My pupil shrinks in fear as my jaw drops in disbelief and my lungs get heavy. My body and mind reacted the same with confusion and sweats forming around my body the more I gaped at him.

Loathed TreasureМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя