Part 2 : New Morning, New Avatars.

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Hello guys!

Here it is! A big bigg bigggg update. An update of  4647 words.

Thank you so much for so many lovely comments, starry votes and for giving a chance to my story to be on your reading lists. Your support is what keeps the story writing goes on. Really overwhelmed.

Love you!


I have been working hard on it. Your response is what makes me write more and more. 


Finally! The new day has started bringing new phases into the lives of people. The rays might bring disturbances, fights, penetrations along, but at the end, all they leave behind is hope. With the increase in the intensity of rays peeking in, the frowns on the faces of our favorite people get deeper.

"Love, Close the curtains.", says Manik wriggling his hands on air, trying to shoo away the rays coming in his way. As the frowns get deeper, reality sinks in his mind and he wakes up with a jerk.

"Uff! What have you made me, Nandu. See, I completely became dependent on you. Need to change myself. Huh! A life without you! Never imagined. No problem, Matter of just a few months, right? Will adjust. And my promise to you. Whenever you're back, I will throw the tantrums 10 times than I used to. Take care of my life, life.", with a small smile over his face, he pushes the duvet and rushes to the washroom to get all ready to kickstart the day.

Same with the other people in the mansion. Fab4! The girl who used to wake them up with a lot of butterings and motherly love, is nowhere to see or feel today. Shooing away all the thoughts, grumpily, they leave their respective beds to get ready to see what else the destiny is going to uncover for them.

Getting nicely dressed up, fab5 has assembled at the dining area for breakfast. The cheeriness which used to be in the air has dried up all of sudden with her departure. To make the situation lighter, Cabir says, "Never know that fab5 is gonna get into those filmy rituals. Mounvrat! Tell me, what exactly is the occasion, man!"

While the rest 4 gives *Have you gone insane?* look at him.

"Don't tell me that you are gonna do fasting too!", widening his eyes and covering his ears with his hands, Cabir exclaims dramatically.

Knowing why Cabir has started the day with such rantings, Manik says "It's okay, Cabir. We all knew how mature she is! If she had decided to do so, it would have been something important. She will definitely be coming back soon. It's just that we need to adjust ourselves to this new thing of taking care of ourselves. Chill, we will be okay. And haan, your sister is gonna pay hard once she comes back. And you are not stopping us.", patting Cabir's shoulders giving an assurance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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