the end

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Wow. Okay. So... stories finished!
It's honestly all kind of unreal, I know you can't really tell my tone right now because I'm trying but I am just so overwhelmed like- just wow

First of all, the sheer amount of reads this story got after only like three months? ( I think that's how long it's been ) wow. Um I think I just hit 4k voted- I ?! Thank you so much because if it wasn't for you I probably would have given up halfway and just never finished this fic! Thank you for every vote and especially every comment! When I tell you those comments  m a k e  my day, I mean it!! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to bring representation to these characters who were written by a transphobic author ( Harry and his bitches deserves better ) !!

Some details that i never mentioned but they are my headcannons for this story and characters:
- Teddy has three tattoos ( the moon for his dad,  jack rabbit for his mum, and a snitch for Harry ) and he plans to get more in the future for Victoire and the Potter sibs
- Loius is trans masc ( ftm )
- Daisy does in fact like Freddie but they don't get together until they are in their late twenties because I'm tired of everyone ending up with people they date during Hogwarts
- I think I mentioned this but Mj Wood is a Slytherin ( also she had seven siblings because why not )
- Mj and Dom got together in their third year but they didn't officially call each other girlfriend until they where sixteen ( moved in together right after that because they're lesbians  )
- also think I've said this but Neville is Albus' godfather
- Albus does actually end up talking to his parents and even thought nothing gets changed automatically, the work on it.
[ i will never say why Victoire and teddy broke off their engagement... so enjoy that hanging over both of our heads <3 ]

( Comment here if you have any questions about the story line or just some part that you didn't understand because I'm a mess at writing )

I love you all so fucking much and once again ¡¡ please: stay safe, take care of yourself, drink water and ear something !! I don't know who needs a remainder but you are BEAUTIFUL you are VALID and you are the best mf here! IS NOT PRIDE MONTH ANYMORE BUT STILL YALL ARE THE BEST AND REMEMBER TO BE PROUD OF YOUR I D E N T I T Y
( also it's completely valid to be questioning and not have a solid label )

If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here... seriously I'm always on my phone so do not hesistate

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