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CHAPTER NINE: let's fix this
December 19th, 1995

Remus took a look around the room and shed a tear. He took his arm off of Sirius and stood in the middle of the room "We will just have to enjoy the time we have." He said. Harry shook his head and clenched his teeth, "When does all this happen?" Teddy walked up from the back of the room where he had once again retreated to and faced his godfather "No. I'm sorry Harry but no. I'm not telling, it's not for a while. Enjoy your time like... my Dad said."

"Teddy-" the alarm in the girls' voice made Teddys year buzz with worry, he turned around and his hair once again turned pink. "Lily? What's wrong?" Teddy asked, she looked up at him and opened her phone "it's Daddy! He's calling" the screen glowed showing Harry Potters phone number. "how? You brought a telephone?" Hermione asked bewildered, Lysander laughed "It's a mobile phone... we can move them now, it's pretty cool. Anyways Mrs Weasley enchanted everyone's." He said... Molly wiped her tears "I did? Doesn't sound like something I would know how to do." Lily answered the call, as the call loaded she answered her grandma's question "No you didn't, aunt Hermione did." Hermione went red in the face and instinctively look at Ron which only contributed to her embarrassment "Mrs Weasley.." she whispered.

The room went silent for only a second, ig was broken by the speaker of Lily's phone "Kids! What happened?" Asked a voice, desperate for answers. The phone screen protected onto the nearest wall ( another cool feature Hermione had added ) an image of thirty-nine-year-old Harry Potter running his hand through his long hair took everyone by surprise. "Wotcher Harry!" Said George with a smile, his brother laughed "You're so old, mate." He added Molly glared at her sons "Shut it."

Fortunately, the adults from 2019 were far to busy to notice this exchange. A woman stepped into frame, she had short red hair and freckles adorning her face and exposed shoulders. She still wore the green dress she had taken to the gala. "We get back home- beds empty! No note! No text message! Kreacher was freaking out! We had to call  everyone to come visit because the bloody elf was spouting nonsense... or at least I think it's none sense." The fourteen-year-old Ginny Weasley stumbles back and sat in the nearest chair; why did she sound so much like her mother.

The eldest potter scratched the back of his neck "love, sit down." He told his wife, grabbing her hand but the woman pulled away and pointed at him. "Harry James Potter you better not be taking their side on this!" She screamed, Harry stepped back a little and tried for another smile "I'm not Gin... James is in big trouble... but maybe you should sit and breathe." The redhead looked like she was about to hex her husband, and no one would put that past her, but another voice called from the back "Ginny! Come help for a second!"

James Sirius announced his presence to his father by huffing indignantly "James is in big trouble? Why'd you assume it's me!" He said, his father scoffed "Was it you?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow.  "Alice and Freddie too!" James stammered in defence, Freddie looked at his cousin indignantly "I did nothing!" He said but it was much too late. Angelina walked in. Young George did a double-take to make sure this was the same girl who he played quidditch with. Her hair was longer and curlier than ever, her dark eyes were kinder than ever and even if the mischievous glint in them had faded slightly, George could tell it was still there. He had never felt luckier because he would get to marry someone he had grown up with, someone who loved him.

"Fred Weasley! You- you are in so much trouble young man..." Angelina said Roxanne laughed as her twin brother cowered and move out of view. Someone stood from the couch in the background and placed a hand around the woman's waist. "Angelina you don't even know what happened... it's all in good fun baby" he said with a smile, George pulled his wife back to the couch. The group could still hear Angelina complain as the couple blurred into the background of the call "They aren't here George, think that's enough for us to be mad."

Yet another man appeared on the screen. He had red hair and blue eyes, by his side was a woman with bushy brown hair. They both smiled at the group. Young Ron looked away and stared at the floor like there was something painted on it. "Georgie is right." Said the forty-year-old man who the group recognized as Ronald Weasley. Hugo perked up, he grinned "Dad!" Ron waved "Hey Hugo! How's it going? You safe?" He said in a casual tone that didn't seem to fit into the situation."I'm good. Oh oh and I beat Lorcan again!" Hugo said jumping a little. "Good job!" The man smiled at his son and daughter who was completely ignoring them. Lorcan grumbled something about Hugo being a cheater as they walked away to god knows where.

Hermione tugged at his robe "Ron, love... we are straying from the point." She said, signalling to the group of kids... pointing out the fact that they had no idea what happened. Harry walked back into the frame with a worried expression "Right. Teddy? You there? You okay?" Once again when he spoke the part of the group who only knew fifteen-year-old Harry was taken aback by his deep voice. Teddy stepped up with a hand to his hair, mirroring the man's actions. "I'm here... sorry," he said with a gloomy expression. "not you fault my boy. Shouldn't have put you as a babysitter so soon after- well, it doesn't matter now. Can you tell me what happened? Why aren't you guys here?"

Lily, who had been struggling to braid her long messy hair, perked up "I will! Alice called us to your study... I guess she was with the boys." She said, Harry took on a stern expression "You went into my study James? The things there are dangerous. You know the rule" he interrupted but James was quick to add "And cool" Albus rolled his eyes at his older brother "I'm going to commit murder." He muttered, Harry looked at his youngest son with a tired expression "Albus." Lily desired to continue the story before her brother and dad fell back into their usual fight. "anyways... James had a time turner. He wouldn't give it to Rose or to Teddy. He was being an idiot tossed it to Freddie, who wasn't paying attention, the time turner fell and we.. travelled to the past."

Harry took a deep breath and looked around for clues as to how far the group had travelled back but he could only see his nieces, nephews and children."Okay... You are so lucky Ginny has been held back. What time did you travel to?" He asked... James stayed quiet so Alice had to answer "1995.." She said. "I'm fifteen! Oh, James what did you do!"

『Hey. I really hope you enjoyed! You're so amazing, thank you for reading. I finally got to see my best friend for the first time in three months! I missed them so much! I'm so happy !! Anyways please eat and drink something if you haven't yet. And stay safe! I love you! Word count: 1,275 』

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