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CHAPTER SEVEN: good morning
December 19th, 1995

Fred II skipped down onto the kitchen with a grin on his face, "Morning Family!" Everyone in the room, which so far was only the teenagers of the family, groaned. "Freddie, please shut it," Roxanne said, grabbing some toast and juice. Lily, who arguably had the worst moods in the morning, jumped down from the counter "I'm going to punch you in the face." She said, her brother nodded in agreement "I need coffee." Albus walked over to make himself some coffee when he bumped into his dad "Wow, Albus did you sleep at all?" He asked, Scorpius laughed "He always looks like that in the morning." He said with a quick smile aimed at Albus "Gee thanks." Albus said but he frowned, usually Scorpius would offer to fix his hair.

"Morning idiots." Said a voice from behind the group. Lily seemed to be in a better mood "Hey Rose, want pancakes?" She offered, Ginnys expression lit up "You made pancakes?" She asked, looking around the kitchen. "No, of course, I didn't. But it's Tuesday." Lily said, like that automatically meant pancakes were made. "Right. So?" She frowned a little and looked towards Harry who was talking to Ron from across the room. "Dad always makes pancakes on tuesdays" James said, Harry turned to face his children and Ginny "Why?" He asked. "Because mum thought Sunday was too predictable."

Hermione walked over and placed a hand on her best friend's shoulder "I'm terribly sorry to break this to you... but Harry never makes pancakes." She said, Harry raised his hand "I can." He offered, Ron looked dumbfounded. "You can?" He asked excitedly. Wondering why he had known that before "Sure, I know how to make breakfast. With the Dursley's and all- I mean, it's really no trouble." Hermione gave him a pitying look "Oh Harry," everyone else looked really happy, they knew how good Uncle Harry's pancakes were.

"yay!" Freddie spun on his heel and stopped talking to his father and uncle with a deep sigh "Are we talking about the Dursley's? Can we just take a second to talk about Daisy then.... she's so amazing." He said, Roxanne, got her brother in the head and then continued to plan some new pranks with the two greatest prankers she knew of. "Who is daisy?" Hermione promoted, helping Harry figure out how to work the oven in this particular kitchen. "Daisy Dursley. She's in Ravenclaw, sixth year. Fred here is in love with her." Said James, Freddie gave his cousin a high-five "Damn right I am." He said, Harry backed up and looked crazed "You're friends with a Dursley? And she had magic? What's happening- am I still dreaming?"

James sighed like he had explained this a million times before, which he hadn't "She's your cousins' daughter. He apologized and then fell in love with a half-blood from the ministry. I know his apology didn't cover years of what you went through, dad. He always tries to make up for it. Uncle Dudley just wants to be a good dad." He looked up from the fruit that he'd been cutting, James met his dads' eyes and continued "It's okay. You haven't fully forgiven him. But you're both trying." Harry nodded, "Let's just make pancakes." He said.

"Quick thing, are we meant to just wear the same clothes for however long we get stuck here?" James asked, everyone who had been indulging in their breakfast turned to face the boy. Rose raised her eyebrow "Are you boys stupid?" She asked while Albus hit her arm "Play nice Rosie." Rose rolled her eyes "You can borrow their clothes." Said Hermione, pointing out the fact that the girls all wore their clothes. James nodded "Ohh, that makes sense." He said, standing to wash his plate. Alice followed his actions "My boyfriend is an idiot." She muttered, James responded by leaning down and kissing her. Roxanne looked over at the couple and made a disgusted expression  "So is mine but I'm not snogging his brains out." She said, Frank wrapped a hand around her waist "Yes, why aren't you?" He asked causing his girlfriend to hit him over the head "Wanker." And then proceed to snog his brains out.

Most of the adults walked into the room a couple of minutes later, from what everyone figured they had a small meeting before coming to eat. "Good everyone's awake. Tell me now." Said Mad-eye moody with his usual grudging voice. "Tell you what sir?" Albus asked, grabbing him and Scorpius' plates to go wash them... rose also added hers and Lily's plates to the boys' pile. "Who has died? What happened?" The man clarified, Sirius nodded "We assume we won. Harry wouldn't have children if-" he said but Sirius was interrupted by Dominique "Yes, Voldemort was defeated." She said taking a deep breath and continuing. "There was a final battle. It was brutal. We don't even really cover it until fourth and fifth year."

From the door came a voice, the only person who had been missing from the room. "The battle of Hogwarts." Most of the people on the room jumped a little. "Gee Ted, warn a person." Laughed Dominique in an effort to lighten up the conversation that was surely about to come.  "I'm sorry. It's not particularly my favourite subject. We lost... a lot of people."

Tonks nodded, she gave her son a quick hug and then turned to the crowd of time travelers "I know it must be hard to talk about but if you can, tell us how many" she said, Teddy shook his head. "they didn't count the bodies... they weren't numbers, most of them were just teenagers... besides there were far too many." Mad-eye grunted and looked around the room "How many in this room?" He asked

『Hey. I hope you enjoyed! I actually liked this one and I hope you did too! Again, sorry but  Im not going to do daily updates, I'll update every other day. Still haven't updated any other fics so if you like those and are waiting I'm sorryyyy. Anyways please eat and drink something if you haven't yet. And stay safe! I love you! Word count: 1,045 』

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