Nightmares and Sweet Dreams (Scared Levi x Reader)

Start from the beginning

Levi kicked off his shoes and adjusted himself on the couch, trying to get comfortable. He took one last look at (f/n), who was intently reading her book. Stubborn brat, he thought before closing his eyes. As he tried to sleep, he could hear the soft sound of (f/n)'s breathing, as well as the crackling fireplace. He breathed deeply, realizing that the blanket smelled like her. All of it was oddly soothing.

Before he knew it, Levi was fast asleep.


Although you pretended to focus on your book, you were really listening to the sound of Levi's breathing, trying to determine if he was asleep. After a surprisingly short amount of time, you noticed his breaths had deepened and evened out. Glad that he was finally at rest, you turned your full concentration to your book.

You didn't know how much time had passed when you were pulled from your story by a hitch in Levi's breathing. You glanced over at him, only to see his face contorted with...fear? Sadness? Pain?

You quickly put your book down and knelt on the floor next to him. "Levi?" you whispered. When he didn't wake, you tried again, a little louder. "Levi?"

Levi remained asleep, trapped in whatever nightmare he was having. He started to toss and turn on the couch, and then, impossibly...he started crying.

Your chest tightened. You wanted to help, but you weren't sure how. You had read somewhere that you shouldn't wake a person who is having a nightmare unless they're about to hurt themselves. You didn't think Levi was at that point, but still, you hated to watch him suffer.

"Levi," you whispered, trying to console him. "It's alright. It's just a nightmare."

Your soothing words didn't seem to help, but you kept trying.

"Shh. I'm here. (F/n)'s here."


It was happening again. His friends were being devoured, and Levi could do nothing to save them. He tried to run, to use his gear, to reach them somehow, but he was too late. He was always too late.

First Hanji. Then Erwin., no, not her.

Levi could do nothing but watch as (f/n) was lifted into the monster's mouth. She looked so scared. Levi never wanted her to look like that. He wanted her to be happy. He wanted...

Blood splattered across his face and uniform. And (f/n) was gone.

Levi fell to his knees, barely feeling the impact. His friends were dead. He had nothing left to fight for. He didn't even have the will to avenge them. All he wanted was to die, so that he didn't have to live in a world where they didn't exist. Where he failed to save them.

He could feel the titan's hot breath as it leaned down. It reached for him, and Levi vaguely registered that he was grateful. It wouldn't be long until he was with his friends. With (f/n).

"Levi...It's alright. It's just a nightmare."

Levi's breath hitched. That was (f/n)'s voice. But no, she was dead. He had watched her die...

"Shh. I'm here. (F/n)'s here."

Was he hallucinating? Was this what happened when you faced death?

"It's alright. You're safe. You're home."

Safe? Home? How could that be true? He was outside the Walls. He was about to be...

Suddenly, Levi realized that he had seen all this before. It was one of the nightmares that replayed every time he slept. It...was just a nightmare.

"I'm here. I promise, I won't let anything hurt you."

He closed his eyes, focusing on (f/n)'s voice, letting it soothe him.

He felt hands touch his face, but not the hands of a titan. These hands were human, soft, gentle.

He opened his eyes, and (f/n) was smiling at him.

"You're alright," she whispered, stroking his cheeks with her thumbs. "I've got you."

Levi sighed, relaxing into her touch. He brought his hands up to hold her wrists, even though she made no attempt to let him go. The rest of the nightmare faded away, until there was only (f/n). She continued murmuring sweet nothings – about how he was good, and brave, and loved. She stroked his hair, pressed a kiss to his forehead...

Before he knew it, Levi had slipped into peaceful oblivion with a smile on his face.


You had stayed up all night, just in case Levi had another nightmare. As tired as you were, you wanted to make sure he slept well. He needed it.

Levi stirred, and your eyes snapped up to see if he was in distress. However, he was simply waking up.

His intimidating gaze met yours. "Tch. Did you stay up all night?" he grumbled, his voice low and gravelly from sleep.

You nodded, covering your mouth as a yawn escaped it.

Levi rolled his eyes, then removed the blanket and stood. Before you knew what was happening, he had scooped you up and dropped you on the couch.

You were doubly surprised when he lay down next to you.

"L-Levi?" you stammered, trying to keep your voice level. "What are you doing?"

"Idiot. What does it look like?" he muttered as he pulled the blanket over both of you.

Since the couch was so small, the two of you were smushed together. You couldn't believe it. Everyone knew how much Levi hated to be touched, yet here he was, snuggling up next to you. Why...?

When you continued to gape at Levi, he scoffed. "Tch. You just pulled an all-nighter, and I'm still tired. So we're both sleeping in today. Got it?"

You gulped, then nodded. You had no idea how you were going to sleep like this, because being so close to your crush had you on pins and needles. You had only been able to say all those things last night because you knew he was asleep. That went for the peck on his forehead as well. However, you didn't have the nerve to cuddle up next to him now that he was awake and staring at you.

Sensing that you wouldn't relax, Levi sighed in frustration. To your further astonishment, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. "Go to sleep, (f/n)."

You inhaled sharply, and you were met with his familiar scent of black tea and cleaning supplies. You realized that you could hear his heart beating, as well as his breath next to your ear. And the feeling of his powerful body wrapped gently around you... All of it was actually very soothing.

You closed your eyes and let yourself relax into him. Just before you fell asleep, you felt the soft press of his lips on your forehead.

Your eyes flew open.

Wait...did this mean that he knew what you did last night? No, he couldn't. It was probably just a coincidence. But then...did he like you?

"Um, Levi..."

"Go to sleep," he growled, his tone implying that he would hit you with a chair if he had to tell you again.

You sighed before closing your eyes once more, letting it go for now. Maybe you would ask him after he woke up. Then again, no matter how much sleep he got, Levi never seemed to be any less grumpy.

And strangely, you found that adorable.

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