Chapter 5

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( I hate myself rn bc I'm SICK...I feel so bad and I am NOT enjoying it one bit. I'm sorry in this sucks, I'm kinda light-headed, so... anyways, enjoy the chapter! *WARNING! Mild language and cute heart thief named Germany!*)

         Russia's POV

I woke up and went to Germany's room to see him missing. "Germany?" I said, beginning to panic. I was gonna confess to him that I liked him, but he went missing. I left the dorm to ask some friends if they seen him around today. "Hey Finland!" I say as I walk up to him. "Hello Russia! Where's the new guy? Isn't he your buddy?" Finland said. "Did you see him at all today?" I asked. "No...I mean, I saw America carrying something, but that's all I seen today." Finland replied. "Oh, okay! See ya Finland!" I said, leaving Finland and going to Italy. " Hello Russia!" Italy said. "Hey, have you seen Germany anywhere?" I said.  "Actually, I haven't saw Germania at all today" Italy said. "Damn..." I said. "Do you need Germania?" Italy asked. "Kinda..." I replied. "Sorry Russia, I haven't seen him at all...I hope you find him!" Italy said. "See ya!" I said, leaving Italy. I walk down to America. "Hey, America." I said, kinda regretting this choice. He hugs me. "Ruski! Ya wanna get back together~?" America said. "What?! No! I'm wondering if you seen Germany!" I said. He began to panic for some reason. "G-Germany? Hah! N-No! I don't know w-where he is!" America said panickingly. "Why are you panicking?" I asked suspiciously. "Oh, I-It's nothing!" America said, panicking even more.

            America's POV

SHIT HE'S GETTING SUSPICIOUS...THAT'S NOT GOOD...If he figures out I've kidnapped Germany, I'm expelled. I can't let him know! He'll report me to the principal, and then I'll go to jail! "S-Sorry dude, why do you need him?" I say, trying to act calm. "Well, I was gonna talk to him about something..." Russia said, blushing a little. "Oh! Okay! See ya dude!" I said quickly getting into my dorm, but Russia blocked the door from closing. "You did something to Germany, didn't you?" Russia said, slightly angry. "Wh-What do you mean?! I'd never do that!" I said panicking even worse now. Russia walked close to the door. Germany heard the whole conversation, and woke up screaming "HELP ME!". Russia opened the door to see Germany tied up on the floor, but I shoved him away and punched him. "HEY!" Russia said, picking me up. "I WON'T GET EXPELLED UNTIL THIS FUCKER D I E S!" I said. " YOU SICK FUCK! I WILL LET EU KNOW THIS!" Russia said, completely furious. Russia enters the room and quickly takes Germany, running out of the room carrying him bridal style. "GET BACK HERE BASTARD!!!" I yell from my dorm.

        Germany's POV

Russia slowly takes off the tape that covered my mouth. "WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?" Russia said, worried. "H-He threatened to kill me, and knocked me out, he abused me badly, and he told me never to talk to you again..." I said, crying. He held me close " I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!" Russia said, beginning to cry himself. "One question, w-why do you care so much about me?" Russia got close and kissed me. "Because I love you~" Russia said. "I-Ich liebe dich~" Germany said, kissing back.

(AAAAAAAAAAAAAA! SO CUTE!!!! Anyways, I hope you love how the chapter ended, there will be some smut soon, so plz stop reading chapter 7 if you don't like smut. ._. - xXA_German_mistakeXx)

(COMPLETE!) (OLD!!)Roomies~ || RusGer -CountryhumansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora