Chapter 6: Smaug's Plan

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The sun was just creeping above the green hills of the shire when the company departed from the hobbit's home. Gandalf left during the night to procure the ponies and supplies they would need for the journey. They were to meet him in the woods just outside of the Shire.

Hegda took in the scenery as they quickly walked through the Shire. It was so peaceful here. The hobbits were already working in the fields of their well-maintained farms. She admired their lifestyle. The hobbits were not like any other race she had met before. They were so innocent, so peace loving. Hegda was disappointed that Bilbo was not with them. She so wanted to know more about his odd little race. She hoped that he would change his mind and follow after them. There was still much she wanted to ask him.

They had not traveled far when they saw Gandalf waiting at the spot where they were to meet. He had been able to purchase fourteen stout ponies and a horse named Auki, meaning strength, for Hegda.

"Strength?" Hegda thought with scorn as she mounted the horse, "Not likely, this thing is a scrawny creature compared to me. These people don't know the meaning of the word strength and I can't wait to show them."

After the dwarves mounted their ponies the group headed out, traveling east. Hegda didn't fail to notice that Gandalf seemed to be moving slowly as if he were stalling. They hadn't traveled too far before they heard a voice call, "Wait!"

Hegda smiled as the little hobbit came running towards them. He showed Thorin the signed contract and they gave him a pony. "This is definitely going to make the trip more enjoyable. I prefer the hobbit's company over that of the unrefined dwarves." she said too loud so that Bombur overheard her and gave her a disdainful glance.

She glanced over at Bilbo who seemed to be searching his pockets for something. He stopped, looked at Gandalf and said something about turning around because he forgot his handkerchief. Hedga laughed at the absurdity of the idea and the dwarves proceeded to tease the poor hobbit. The matter was settled and the small group started on their quest.

Hegda had grown quite fond of Bilbo in the short time since she met him. He was so innocent and out of place amongst these dwarves. If there was one in this company of thieves that she wouldn't kill it would be him. She thought that he would make a nice pet. "Yes," she thought to herself, "A very enjoyable pet."

It was nightfall by the time they stopped to rest. They set up camp and Bombur made everyone some food. He was a surprisingly good cook. Hedga took her plate and found a seat next to Thorin. If she was to eventually control him with her dragon spell, she would have to get to know him better. This was a good opportunity to probe him to uncover information. Once she found out his strengths and weaknesses she could use them against him.

She had to be clever. She could sense Gandalf's eyes were always on her. She knew that he did not trust her, that there was something dark about her. She had to play it safe and not arouse any more suspicion in him, somehow she had to win his trust if her plan was to work. She wanted to alienate Thorin from the group and turn his greedy eyes to the Arkenstone and away from the others. "Oh what fun it will be when they get so close to what they desire and then I rip it from their hands and then kill them all," she thought with satisfaction. "Except the hobbit." she added.

"Do you ever have nightmares about the day Smaug arrived and torched your land?" Hegda asked him before taking another bite of her food.

Thorin huffed. She could see by his annoyed reaction that she had touched a nerve. He answered, "Why do you ask such questions? It is none of your business. I hardly know you. What makes you think I would even answer you? You are here to kill a dragon and for that you do not need to know about me. Focus on your task."

"Well, I just thought if we were to fight together we should know a little about each other. Please Thorin," she pressed gently, "answer just this once."

"Well, if it gets you to leave me alone then fine. Yes, I do. I can still hear the screams of my fellow dwarves as they were crushed by that foul beasts claws and burned alive by his loathsome breath. The stench of burned flesh still lingers in my nose. Smaug will pay dearly for everything he has done."

Hegda smiled her toothy grin, "See? Was that so hard?"

This was a very small step towards controlling the strong-willed prince but a step nonetheless. The memories of terrible deaths of his fellow kin and his desire for revenge will cause him to become careless. She could possibly use that against him. She swore that even if it took a while, she would break him.


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