| Tonight- FM Static |

"Oi why didn't you tell me that you we're up here? I thought you already went home." Win started their conversation as he sat besides him.

"Nah I'm staying here tonight, I just want to look at the skies today and I really thought that there would be no stars today because it rained awhile ago but look the sky is so pretty and the stars are shining."  Bright said, Win looked at Bright but the latter is still staring at the stars so he also looked up.

"Why aren't you with Earn today?"

"She went out with his friend because they we're buying gifts for her niece."

"H-his?" Win stuttered, he couldn't believe what he just heard, he felt like the piece he's been solving has finally solved. Questions are running through his mind like what if he would say to Bright that he knew who we're Earn's friend? Dang.

"Yeah, I trust in Earn and we're still not together so I shouldn't be that guy who hinders her plans but by the way you're getting close with Luke recently. What's really the real score between you two?"

"We're just friends."

"I-is there any possibility that you would fall in love with him?" Bright asked Win nervously, he also doesn't know himself why is he getting nervous all of a sudden.

"No, I only think of him as his friend." After Win had said that, Bright doesn't know why he was relieved, contented and happy at the same time upon hearing Win's answers and he couldn't believe himself when he just randomly said something that he also didn't expect that would spill to his own mouth.

"I'm glad." Win on the other hand got shocked about what did Bright had said but half of him wants to say that maybe he's just worried about him because they're best friends but the other half of him wants to believe that they have more deeper meaning like it was a sign that Bright also likes him too.

"By the way Win since we're here at the rooftop, do you still remember about how we find the stars that catches our attention and named it randomly?"

"Yeah why?"

"Let's do it today! Let's find a star that we like and name them."


Minutes later they both found the star that both catches their eye and named it.

"Let's count to three and name our stars together." Bright said and they counted to three.

"Sarawat/Tine!!"  They both shouted.

"Seriously Win why would you name a star that was on the book? Sarawat? Lol it sounds like Saraleo."

"How did you know that it was from a book?"

"You've mentioned that book to me once and I got curious so I also read the novel and I also liked it."

"So that's why you named your star Tine?"

"Yeah and the star also looks like him, he outshined everyone who's near him, he's shining brightly that everyone would notice." Bright explained while still looking at his star. They both stayed quiet and just listened to the song coming from Bright's phone. Win thought that the song Bright was currently playing on his phone was so very unusual of him because when they we're up here he would usually play jolly songs and Kpop songs but now he played this song Tonight by FM Static which is kinda weird because it really fits the atmosphere today.

Bright stared at the skies full of stars and looked at Win, he was amazed at how Win's eyes sparkled through the night while watching the stars. The timing was just so perfect for them to be out here, they both loved the peacefulness that the skies gave them. Win also stared back at Bright who was staring at him. Bright didn't knew what came to his mind that day that he gently cupped Win's face and pulled the latter closely to him.Win on the other hand also doesn't know what to do and was shocked when Bright did that and the next thing he knew he felt Bright's soft lips pressed against his. He looked at him with a shocked face but he also didn't knew to himself that he already responded to the kiss, it feels so right yet so wrong knowing that Bright is already courting Earn but who cares at least at this night Bright was with him and that's all he need.

He broke the kiss and they immediately turned at their sides. Bright spoke,

"W-win i'm s-sorry I shouldn't have done that I'm so stupid."

"It's okay, w-we're both shocked a-at the situation." Win doesn't know what to say but probably he thought that this was one of the best night he had, his first kiss with Bright.

"Let's go inside and have some rest, It's getting cold here. Shall we?" Bright said and offered his hands at Win for him to stand up too. They both went inside to Win's room and slept on his bed together.

It was already midnight and Win is already heavily asleep while Bright is still awake. He couldn't believe what he just done earlier ago, he didn't felt disgusted about himself or Win but he gets this weird feeling that he's happy and smiled at the fact that he's Win's first kiss. 'Aaaghh I must be crazy! Why am I thinking that way?!' He also doesn't know why his heart is beating so fast, he didn't mind it and just thought that he drank coffee earlier that's why his heart is beating so fast.

He didn't know what came into his mind and he faced at his back and saw Win's face that is peacefully sleeping. 'Why is this guy so beautiful while sleeping? He looks like an angel.' Bright smiled while thinking about that and stared at Win's features. He leaned closer and stole a kiss from the sleeping boy.

'I'm also your second kiss but you wouldn't know it because you are sleeping.' Bright thought while smiling and then fell asleep while hugging Win.

' Bright thought while smiling and then fell asleep while hugging Win

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【𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝: A BrightWin Story】
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